Chapter 5

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Selina awoke to a familiar husky voice coming from the kitchen.
Early morning sunlight streaming in through the ajar door.
From her spot on the bed, she could see Bruce. Shirtless, with his back towards her.
He was on the phone
"...Thank you, Alfred....Yes....Yes please...That's it for now.....No,  she's still asleep..."

Selina relaxed back into the sheets.
It was only Alfred.

She rubbed a hand over her face.
So it wasn't a dream then. She did infact have sex and sleep with him last night.

Her hand drifted to the empty place on the bed, a smile on her face.
She was so lucky.
She finally got the hero.

She climbed out of bed.
The cool morning air bit at her bare skin, reminding her that she was naked.
She reached down for his discarded shirt when she hesitated.

Does this mean he was infact her boyfriend?
Are they serious now?

She put on his shirt, taking in his scent with a content sigh.

The kitchen fell silent as Bruce hung up the phone. Pushing open the door.
He saw Selina wearing his shirt and allowed himself to smile.

"That was Alfred. I was letting him know you would be staying with us."

Selina nodded, straightening and stepping closer.

"He'll be ready for us after breakfast. Do you mind if I cook us something to eat?"

"You cook?" She asked with a raised brow.

He huffed a laugh
"Just because Alfred is my butler, doesn't mean I can't do things for myself, you know."

She crossed her arms, sceptical. She leant on the doorframe.
"Sure. Go ahead then, Batman."

Bruce rolled his eyes with a smile. Opening the fridge.

He got out eggs, butter, and milk. Setting them on the counter before opening cupboards. Looking for flour and a bowl.
He frowned.

Selina pushed off from her position against the door and went to a cupboard below the counter. Handing a glass bowl to him silently before going to the cupboard beside the fridge. Handing him a bag of flour.

"Thank you, Selina. Is there a frying pan?"

She rolled her eyes dramatically. Reaching for the cupboard beside the oven. Handing him a blackened pan.

"Thank you." He repeated. Pressing a kiss to her temple.

She smiled and sat on one of the kitchen stools. Watching him over the laminate counter.

Bruce hummed quietly to himself as he made up a simple pancake batter.

Selina propped her head up on a fist. It was so strange to see those hands doing something so...domestic, so...normal.
How many times had she seen those hands, curled into fists, covered in blood as he pummelled some criminal?
It was so strange to see that same man making pancakes. Being so...gentle.

Bruce buttered the fryingpan and set it on the stove.
After a moment, he spooned the pancake batter into the pan. The kitchen quickly filling with a sweet smell that made Selina's mouth water.

Within minutes, a small stack of pancakes appeared on the bench in front of her. Topped with a melting slice of butter that dripped down the sides.

"Wow, Bruce, I'm impressed. These look amazing."

"Don't praise me till you taste it."
He said with a smile. Placing a fork beside the plate before returning to the stove.

Selinas mouth watered. It'd been a while since she'd had a hot breakfast. Especially one made with so much love and care.

Our Shadows [18+] Batman × Catwoman (TDT Pt 2)Where stories live. Discover now