Chapter 2

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Bruce knocked on the door of Selina's shabby third floor apartment in downtown Gotham.
The door had peeling cream paint, same as the rest of the building. The grey carpet threadbare and stained beneath his pristine sneakers.

He'd gone home and changed as per Alfred's suggestion;
"Wear something casual"

He raked his fingers through his hair nervously.
Bruce never wore 'casual', so all his clothes were brand new.
He hoped it wasn't too obvious.

In his right hand, he had a wine bottle wrapped in a nondescript brown paper bag.
He hoped that made up for it.

Selina opened the door a heartbeat later.
Her familiar face peering through the one inch gap between the door. Two lock chains draped across the gap.
She was scowling as if she expected someone else.

Recognition flashed across her features, and the door quickly closed.

Two metalic clicks later, the door opened again. Revealing Selina standing with a surprised expression.
White 'wife beater' singlet and familiar glossy black suit pants.
She was beautiful.

Bruce said in greeting.

She nodded and stepped aside.
"Bruce. You came?"

He nodded,  looking around her apartment. Taking it all in.

Delicate purple and pink peeling walls and scuffed dark wood floors.

A small white dining table with mismatched chairs sat against wall-to-ceiling windows.

There was a small kitchenette against the opposite wall with an antique white fridge that buzzed incessantly.
There wasn't a single hint of any money. No jewellery, no expensive ornaments, and  no designer clothes.
His eyes narrowed.
"You asked me to."

She nodded, closing the door behind them.
"Make yourself at home then."

He stood by the table, placing the bottle of wine on it carefully.
"A peace offering"

She hummed and walked over. Unwrapping the bottle of red wine with a smile.
"2022 was a hell of a year,  don't you agree?"

Bruce chuckled quietly.
"You could say that again."

Selina looked up at him for a moment.
It was rare to hear him laughing.
It was nice.

She gave him a small smile and turned to the kitchen.
Opening a cupboard and retrieving two glass cups.

She set them on the table and began to open the bottle when his hand closed around it.
"Allow me.

She nodded,  and he skilfully opened the bottle with a pop of the cork.

He placed the cork on the table.
"Keep it."

She raised an eyebrow, reaching for the red stained cork.

"It's something people do. For a momento."

She nodded and placed the cork back on the table.

Bruce poured the wine and passed her a glass.

"What will we toast to, Bruce?"

He thought for a moment, his blue eyes scanning her features.
"To new beginnings"

She raised an eyebrow but clinked their glassed together.
Taking a sip in silence.
"New beginning,  huh?"

He placed the glass on the table and took a seat on a dark mismatched chair.
He slipped a hand into his jeans pocket, pulling out a small black notebook.

Our Shadows [18+] Batman × Catwoman (TDT Pt 2)Where stories live. Discover now