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"Okay. Today's the day." she hyped herself up in the mirror.

UA's entrance exam.

She heard rumours saying All Might would be teaching one of the hero classes at UA. She hoped it was true.

Mina was also begging her to go there with her, so she figured, why not?

She wore a green, padded sports top, a black jacket over it, green leggings, a black mesh undershirt, black sneakers, and black mesh fingerless gloves.

Looking at herself in the mirror in her room, she tied her hair up into a bun, letting her bangs flow slightly above her green eyes.

Before she left her room, she grabbed her staff from under her pillow, stuffing it into her jacket pocket.

Yeah she slept with it.

So what? It makes her feel safe.


Walking downstairs, she smelled... burning?

Her eyes widened in alarm before dashing towards the kitchen in an instant.

"Mina?!- Oh." she saw Mina desperately putting out a fire in the pan containing... whatever it was she was attempting to cook.

Kagura sighed before opening a cabinet, grabbing the fire extinguisher inside and putting out the fire while deadpanning at Mina, as if saying Really?

"Heh, sorry! I was trying to cook noodles for us to eat before we left..." Mina said while rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Wait, noodles?" Kagura said before putting back the fire extinguisher, "How do you even- You know what? Doesn't matter. We can get some food on the way."

Mina sheepishly nodded before walking towards the door.

Kagura sighed as she followed her.


"So, are you excited?" Mina asked while skipping down the street, earning a few weird looks from people nearby.

"Sort of. I just want this to be over with quickly," Kagura stretched her arms, "I've still got some things to fix with my staff."

Mina looked back at her, pouting dramatically, "You know, I'm starting to think that you love that staff of yours more than me."

Kagura chuckled.

"Of course I love you more, Mina. It's just that it has so much potential! Like, I have so many cool ideas for different features it can have! It can have a fire feature, an electrical feature-"

"Okay, you're rambling again."

"Oh. Oops."


They continued to walk in silence towards UA, grabbing a bite to eat at a food truck at some point.

Until finally, they made it.

Kagura's eyes had some sparkle as she looked up at the arch in awe.

So this is what it looks like up close.

"Kagura!" her admiration was interrupted by Mina.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm gonna head inside already. See you after the exam!" Mina exclaimed.

Kagura hummed in response as she went back to admiring the school.

All Might... teaching here? Why now?

So many questions were swirling in her mind.

Sighing, she put on some wireless earbuds to drown out her thoughts with music instead.

She walked inside, not paying any attention to the various eyes that briefly looked over at her.

She just silently made her way to where the practical exam was going to be explained.


Present Mic talked about the exam, which robots were worth what points, which of them were just there to waste time, and how people would be assigned to different stadiums.

She looked at her given stadium letter.

Stadium A.

She hoped Mina would be there, so that she would see at least 1 familiar face.

She, along with the other people, were bused over to their assigned stadiums.

They were given time to change, and so Kagura just removed her jacket, placing her earbuds and other valuables inside a locker.

She held onto her staff as she went out and stretched, making some boys look over at her and some of them whistle, to which she gave an icy glare.

Just as she finished stretching, the gates to the battlefield opened without a countdown.

This was it. Now or never, I guess.

She dashed through the gates, ignoring the different explosions and things around her as she focused on taking down robots.

She spotted a row of various robots worth different points.

She clicked a button on her staff, making its ends change into a spear-like dagger.

Left and right, she took down every robot in her path.

Mentally taking note of her points, she had around 47 points or so in what seemed to be 6 minutes.

As she stabbed the head of a 2-pointer, she looked up, spotting a blonde that was too busy defeating a 3-pointer to see that he was about to get hit by a 2-pointer.

Quickly removing her staff from the robot she was standing on, she twisted and spun around, throwing her staff as she faced the robot's direction.


The staff pierced through the 2-pointer's head, sending it tumbling down to the ground behind the blonde.

He looked back and saw the 2-pointer that was about to fall on him.

He stepped back, tripping on the arm of the 3-pointer he had previously destroyed.

Running up towards the fallen robot, she removed her spear-modded staff from its head and reverted it back to its normal staff-form.

She looked down at the boy that was on the floor in front of her.

Oh, it's that boy again.

As she walked up in front of him, she put her staff in her other hand as she extended the free hand towards him.

"You okay?" Her green eyes smiled brightly down at him.

"Fuck off." His crimson eyes glared up at her.

Those Eyes - k. bakugou x ocWhere stories live. Discover now