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"I'm sorry! Excuse me! Gah-!" the ravennette-haired girl exclaimed as she stumbled through a growing crowd.

What is going on here? Pushing through the crowd, trying to get away, she saw a glimpse of what was happening.

Some sort of sludge monster holding a blonde kid hostage. Her eyes widened at that and she froze in place.

This could be my chance.

She quickly crouched down and rummaged through her backpack.

"Where is it?- There!" she pulled out a short metal staff as she wore her backpack again and stood up.

She took a deep breath and quickly stretched before extending the staff, pushing herself high up in the air.

The girl finally got a perfect view of what was going on.

She saw the sludge monster who was suffocating a blonde boy that looked like a student.

There were a few heroes scattered around the villain.

They can't attack without the kid getting hurt...

She thought to herself as some of the civilians started noticing her above them.

She was using one hand to hold herself up on the staff that she made into a makeshift pole, and her feet were pressed against it, putting her into a C-like position.

The girl analysed the villain, looking for any possible weaknesses.

"His eye..." she muttered to herself before extending the "pole" as much as possible, "here goes nothing."

The girl took a deep breath then started leaning forward, the staff falling with her as she fell towards the front of the crowd where there were "DO NOT CROSS" tapes attached to metal fences.

The civilians noticed her actions, some of them screaming in concern.

Eventually, some of the heroes turned their heads to look at her, their eyes widening as they did so.

Even a certain pair of crimson eyes focused on her.

Before she could fall down onto the ground, she reverted her staff back to normal before extending it once more on the ground.

She hoisted herself up a bit before jumping up, spinning in the air as she threw her staff towards the sludge villain's eye, which caused the villain's hold on the blonde to loosen as it clamped its eye shut in pain.

The girl was surprised to see a notebook landing a hit slightly below the villain's eye.

She landed on her feet gracefully before turning her gaze towards the source of the notebook throw, her eyes landing on a broccoli-haired boy who seemed to be wearing the same school uniform as the blonde.

The blonde took the opportunity to blast the sludge villain away, letting him land on his knees onto the ground.

Her eyes switched back and forth between the two boys.

Could they be classmates?

Or friends?

She let her gaze switch to the blonde's eyes that were focused on the green-haired boy, seeing the pure anger it held against him.

Her eyebrows furrowed, confused as to what the two's relationship was.

The heroes around looked to the sludge villain, seeing that his grip had loosened on the blonde.

Before they could react, there was a loud boom that echoed throughout the street.

What was concerned screams before, turned into excited cheers as the civilians saw All Might land just in front of the crowd with his signature determined smile.

"Your day of reckoning is over, villain, as I am here!" his voice boomed.

The hero looked towards the green-eyed girl and the green-haired boy.

"Thank you for your help, children! But I am here!" he flashed a thumbs up before signalling the other heroes to get the two teenagers away.

The heroes swiftly followed, going to lead the girl and the boy away from the battle.

The girl hesitantly backed away, her eyes still focused on the ash-blonde that was kneeling down and trying to control his violent coughing on the ground in front of the still stunned villain.

Before the heroes could stop her, she dashed towards him.

She knelt down on one knee beside him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she held around his waist.

"You're okay." she briefly said before standing up, supporting his weight, along with the backpack she was still wearing, on her side as she walked with him towards the heroes.

The boy kept coughing as he looked at her.

"I don't need your fucking help!" he yelled before coughing once more.

The girl ignored his hostility as she continued towards safety.

Two of the heroes meet them halfway, gently taking the boy off of the girl's hands.

She stretched her arms as she walked with him, glancing back at the villain who has now gotten over the pain of its eye, and All Might who's gaze was already on the girl.

As All Might fought the villain, defeating it with a "Detroit Smash", the ravennette-haired girl looked towards the green-haired boy and ash-blonde boy, both of which were getting a lecture from a hero.

Another hero walked up to the girl, supposedly about to give a lecture as well before the girl cut him off.

"I am aware that I should not have intervened," she bowed respectfully and apologetically, "I am very sorry for putting myself and the student at risk with my actions when I shouldn't have."

The hero stood there, dumbfounded.

"W-Well then. I see you've learned your lesson then... What's your name, young lady?" He asked.

The green-eyed girl with cat-like irises looked up at the hero, standing up properly.

"My name is Kagura. Kagura Ashido, sir." she smiled.

Those Eyes - k. bakugou x ocWhere stories live. Discover now