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"Katsuki Bakugou, you're applying for UA, huh? Good luck then." the teacher said, flipping through his students' files.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya, you want to go to UA too, right?" the teacher said.

Bakugou slowly turned to Midoriya, seething in anger.

The rest of the class laughed at the green haired boy, while he stood up from his desk.

"You won't get in Deku. You don't have a quirk. You're useless, remember?!" Bakugou yelled.

He sat back down as the teacher told everyone to quiet down.

After classes, he and his gang roughed up Midoriya a bit.

Burning his notebook and throwing it out of the window, pushing him towards the wall as he spat curses at him, the normal.

"Here's a word of advice, you nerd," he towered over him, "don't even think of applying to UA. You don't belong there, you got that?!"

Midoriya frailly nodded as he hugged his backpack on the ground.

He walked to the door with his gang before stopping.

"You know," he looked back at Midoriya, "if you want to be a hero there might actually be another way."

Midoriya looked at him curiously.

"Just pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."


That was what happened before he got into that sludge villain situation.

Before Deku saved him.

Before he saw the girl that was on his mind for so long.

Why did they have to save him? Why did she care?

Why couldn't they have just stayed on the sidelines while All Might saved him instead?


He didn't want that. He wanted to save himself by himself.

He didn't want to be the victim that cried for help because he wasn't.

He was better than all of them. He'll show them that much. He was going to be the number one hero.

Not stupid Deku, not Kagura, not anyone else.


Ten months.

In ten months, he'll take the entrance exam and get accepted into UA and be the best fucking hero ever.

In those ten months, he'll get stronger- No, he'll be the strongest.

School flew by, every day of training flew by, 9 months flew by.


Beep, beep, beep. The cashier scanned his items that consisted of chips and soda.

What can he say? He wants what he wants. Fuck proper diets.

As he was paying, he glanced to his left. He saw a girl in a green turtleneck sweater with her hair tied up in a bun.

His eyes widened.

Could that be... No. Get her outta your head Katsuki.

He grabbed his plastic bag full of his items and hurriedly walked to the door.

"Excuse me, Sir!" a voice called out to him.

He froze.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder. Sighing, he turned around. "You left your wallet--- Oh. It's you." the girl said.


Of course she's really here.

He dejectedly thought to himself.

He tried to snatch his wallet from her, but she backed away swiftly.

Were her reflexes that good? No, it was a lucky dodge.

"Hold on. You still haven't said thank you, you know." Kagura said, putting the hand with his wallet on her hips.

"Tch. I already told you, I didn't ask for your help." he rolled his eyes.

"You didn't have to. It was a given that you needed help." the girl stated.

He crossed his arms.

Kagura pinched the bridge of her nose before shoving the wallet onto his chest.

"Whatever. Have a nice day or something." the girl said before going back to the counter.

Bakugou stood there in slight disbelief.

What was this girl's deal?

He watched silently as the cashier scanned Kagura's items. He looked her up and down, analysing her.

She was wearing the same green turtle-neck sweater as before, but with black jeans and sneakers this time.

Her ravenette hair was tied up into a bun again. His eyes landed on something shining in her pocket.

Was that... her staff? Her staff.

He remembered what she had done with it that day.

It was extending on command and was strong enough to support her weight.

Did she make that? Damn.

Wait what? No. Whatever.

Her quirk is probably useless which is why she needs her own weapon.

But then again, her reaction time earlier was fast. Not as fast as his, of course, but still fast.

His thoughts were disrupted by a snap in front of his eyes.

Blinking, he saw Kagura in front of him.

"You okay? You're zoning out." she smiled.

"Whatever." he said before walking out of the store.

Shit, did he really zone out?

He doesn't zone out.

Not in public, where villains could pop up anywhere.

Zoning out was what got him in that sludge villain situation in the first place.

Walking down the sidewalk, he put his guard back up.

There's just 1 month left. 1 more month before his future is set in stone. He can't afford to be distracted by useless thoughts.

Especially by useless thoughts about her.

He's gonna be the best damn hero the world has ever seen no matter what gets thrown his way, and that was a fact.

Those Eyes - k. bakugou x ocWhere stories live. Discover now