au backstory rewritten part one

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   At the beginning of time there was a music disc god all on their own in the universe, until one day the god started to create. They first created the Greek gods and Roman gods; and after that they created the plants and the stars. As they were creating, they realized they needed things to live on one of the plants they called Venus ("earth"), so they made the humans and gave them heart shaped souls; while when they made the monsters the god had a fondness over them. So, they gave the monster music disc shaped souls, but unlike the Greek and Roman god's music disc souls; the monster souls were record music discs or LP music discs. But over the years the Greek gods got bored while the Roman gods disappeared. So about 5,000+ years or so ago monsters and humans lived on the surface together, as they lived their lives with one another in towns, villages, kingdoms. They were at peace with each other, until the god of war, Ares, was bored so he put an idea in the human and monster king's heads and all hell broke loose. The great war for territory began, and over the years the human side was losing to the monsters; until the Roman god of war, Mar, reappeared. Mar didn't like that the Monsters were winning, so he helped them by giving the human king the extra help in hope the human side would win.

    After the humans won, they banished the monsters to the underground, and then the god of war for both Greek and Roman sealed the monsters in the underground. As the years went by the monsters started to build their new home in the underground as they were building, they discovered that there were different areas in the underground. So, they name the areas as area one: hotlands, area two: snowdin, area three: waterfall, area four: the ruins, area five: cloud sky. In area one lives dragons, lizard people/monsters, demantoid people/monsters, and fire type people/monsters (sometimes) live in the hot lands, and in area two lives deer, snow bears, rabbits, skeleton(?), owls, felines, fire type people/ monsters (sometimes), and avians that live in the snowdin. In area three live fish like people/monsters, merfolk, goat like people/monsters, fire type people/monsters (sometimes), water type people/monsters, and water type dragons live in the waterfall, and in area four live sheep person/monster(?), goat like people/monsters, flower thing/person(?)/monster(?), humans(?), and bird-like people/monsters live in the ruins. In the last area, area five lives the bird like people/monsters, Greek gods' status/shins, Roman gods' status/shins, sky type dragons, and a big true lab that holds the core at the very bottom floor and that's all that lives or is in cloud sky.

    As fifty years go by; a set of twins (Chara and Frisk) fall down a hole at the tallest mountain and fall into the underground. The set of twins were in a flower patch in the ruins, as they looked around, they saw a lizard-like monster that looked feminine and was wearing royal clothes with a crown on her head. The twins later find out that she was the queen, and her name was Alphys, and that the queen offered chara and frisk to live with her in the castle. When they get to the castle, they are met with the queen's goat like son max, as time went by max tried to get past the seal to go to the surface. But he didn't make it and was turned into a red-ish sunflower that now lives at the patch of flowers in the ruins.


I just wanted to rewrite my au and sorry if it's bad.

words: 616

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