A Mysterious Book

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Arianna woke up feeling tired, she decided to lie back and sleep more, but suddenly everything was shaky.

" Ariana, A.J!, Whatever the fuck your name is" Ashley said while shaking Ariana.

" Since when did you start waking up early?" she asked while getting out of bed.

" You Nincompoop, we were suppose to go to the library today, did you forget?" Ashy asked

" Oh my God!, I totally forgot, I would go get ready now" she rushed into the bathroom and six minutes later she was out, she dried up and wore a green trousers, a white t-shirt, a light green jacket, and white sneakers, she packed her hair in a bun, before rushing out to meet Ashy, immediately they got to school, they saw Akeelah and Chelsea running towards them screaming on top of their voices.

" Ashy!! A.J!! Hurry up" They both screamed

" We're coming" Ashy screamed.

The other students thought they were running nuts cuz of the way they were screaming.

They did not run to class, but instead they ran straight to the library.

" Okay... Girls... Let's... Search... For.. a book... That... Can...help...me" Ariana said panting almost out of breath.

" Sure" Akeelah replied also panting.

They all waited for a minute before searching for a book, especially the history and fantasy section.

" Hey, girls over here, I found something" Chelsea yelled.

" Shhh" The librarian hushed her ( The fuck they were in the last shelf how did she hear them)

" Oh sorry" Chelsea said in a whisper.

The walked over to where she was standing holding a big book, they looked at the front cover to look for the name but saw nothing. It was embroidered with a red gem smack in the middle.

" Mysterious indeed" Chelsea said

" Let's open it" Ariana suggested

" I don't know about that A.J, I mean this book has no title, it's quite heavy, very dark and dusty, meaning no one has touched it in a while, it's located at the very last shelf in the fucking and it's the last book at the bottom, to make matters worse, it's at the dark side of the library" Ashy said without breathing or blinking.

" I know Ashy, but come to think of it, some things that are mysterious always holds answers to something" Ariana said, even though she was not sure if she was correct.

" Okay then, I would open it" Chelsea said trying to open the book, but it did not open.

" Give it to me, let me try" Akeelah said, she also tried opening it but to no avail.

" Yeesh I got wimps for friends, give me let me try opening it" Akeelah handed the book to Ashy " Hey did you guys noticed this here" They looked at what Ashy pointed and saw something like a lock holding the book together, but the funny thing was, there was no key lock or something.

" How are we going to open it?" Ashy asked

" It looks like a diary but no key lock, not like you are going to open it with a command or something" Chelsea said

" Okay then, open book, or whatever your name is" Ashy said looking at the book with keen interest.

" Let me see" Ariana said, immediately Ashy gave it to her it unlocked

" That's odd, we all tried opening it but it did not open, how come did A.J open it" Chelsea said sounding surprised.

"Open it A.J" Akeelah said.

Immediately Ariana opened it, a strong ray of light emitted from the book causing the girls to shut their eyes tightly, when they finally opened their eyes, Chelsea screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Chelsea screaming.

" Shhhhhhhhhh" the librarian shushed her. Damn is she creeping me out.

" What is it Chelsea?" Ashy asked, Chelsea did not say anything rather she pointed towards A.J.

" A.J, what happened?" Ashy asked

" I don't know, but I did feel a sharp pain in my left eye" A.J said covering her left eye.

" Let me see" Ashy said, immediately A.J removed her hand from her face Ashy almost screamed but Akeelah held her mouth to avoid the librarian shushing them again.

" What is it?" A.J asked confused.

" You should see for yourself" Chelsea said while stretching a mirror towards her.

" What the fuck!!!" A.J exclaimed

" How the heck did this happen?" A.J asked panting.

" You know what, just cover your eyes and let's go home, we would figure it out there.... And by the way drop the book" Ashy said before leading A.J who have covered her eye with her hair.

Few minutes later they were home, since their parents weren't home they went straight to their bedroom.

" Okay A.J, now let's figure out how to deal with this" she said pointing to Ariana's eye. " Cause I don't think anyone would stay still if they see A.J, a girl with emerald eyes is now having a pair of red eye and a green one"

" But what actually happened?" Ariana asked

" Come to think of it, when we opened that strange book, the rays of light that emitted from it was somehow strange, during that period did you feel anything strange?" Ashy asked.

" Yeah, I did felt a sting in my left eye, I thought it was the light from the book" Ariana said realizing everything.

" Then the answer to our question should be from that book, but you said earlier that you can communicate with that dude, can you at least ask him about it" Ashy said

" Sure" ' okay dude if you are hearing me, I would need you to answer my questions' Ariana said in her mind.

" So what did he say?" Ashy asked

" I haven't heard anything" ' I see you opened my book' Ariana heard that cold yet calm voice

" You damn idiot, so it was your book after all, how dare you make me open it, why can't you keep it locked, just how it happened to my sis and my friends" she yelled ' well then it wouldn't be interesting would it?' Ariana could swear she felt him smirk.

" Even though, what is this red eye for?" She asked already pissed off

' So you can feel me more or maybe not'

" What do you mean?" Ariana asked confused

' You would know sooner or later, anyway the book would help you out' Ariana looked towards her bed and saw the same book from the library on it.

" The fuck!!, What's it doing here?" Ashy asked looking as confused as Ariana

" What the fuck is the book doing here?". ' open it and it would help solve all your questions' He said before disappearing cuz she couldn't feel his presence again.

" So what did he say?.. and how the heck did this book appear here?" Ashy asked.

Wow 😲 this is getting tensed

What did this dude do to Ariana's beautiful emerald eyes👁️

And what's with the mysterious book📙

Gosh am so curious😳😳

Ciao ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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