Someone's watching me

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        Ariana's pov:

Ashley and I went to our class, we were in the same class but I was a science student and Ashley was an art student. While lectures were going on in class, I still got that strange feeling that someone was watching me, I looked around me but instead everyone was focused on the lectures and not on me, ' what is going on with me, am I going nuts?' I raised my hands up.

     "Yes Ariana, what's it" my lecturer asked
      "Please can I use the restroom"
      "Yeah sure, why not". I excuse myself from the classroom and went towards the restroom, on reaching the restroom, I washed my face thoroughly, while doing so I felt someone behind me, I turned and saw no one I got very angry and almost screamed but I held my mouth and screamed in me. The rest of the day was the same process that kept going on and I was beginning to feel tensed up.

     "Hey Ariana, what's up" my best friend Akeelah asked me.
      "Nothing just a slight headache" I said holding my head.
      "Is it that serious?" She asked sounding so concerned
      "No, not much, anyway where are you headed?"
       "The court"
       "Which one?"
       "The basketball court" she squeeled "And Antonio is gonna to be playing" Antonio is one of the most famous boy basketballer in school, and he's also in our class he is tall, his skin is a white as snow hazel eyes and a blonde hair, but nope not interested in him.

      "So are you going" Akeelah asked snapping me out of my thoughts
     "Sure let's go" I almost regretted following her because she kept talking about how amazing and handsome Antonio was. Believe me it got worse when we got to the basketball court, somehow Antonio's ball rolled over to us and Akeelah picked it up, he came over to collect it and said.

     "Thanks beauty" he said taking the ball from her, Akeelah stood like a statue with her mouth wide open, good thing there was no fly, i helped her close her mouth and pulled her to sit down but it didn't stop her from saying.

    "Oh my gosh, did Antonio just call me a beauty"
    "Yes, yes he did" I said why rolling my eyes.
    "I wish I had recorded his sweet voice, I would use it as my ringtone, and my alarm, if possible I will listen to it everyday" she said blushing so hard, I slapped my forehead in  disbelief.
   "Girl put yourself together, and stop acting like you are so obsessed with him"
     "I'm not acting sweetheart, I'm actually very obsessed with him, have you seen my room lately"
     "I have got nothing to say about your stupidity, can't believe you are my friend"
      "Um Akeelah"
      "Do you ever have a feeling someone is watching you?"
      "Yeah I do" she sounded so lost in love but I was too dumb to notice.
      "Really! who?" I asked excited
      "Huh" I said looking like a confused cat meme
      "Yeah, I always feel his gaze drooling over me..... From the shadows.
      "How the heck am I even close to you, like how did we become friends?"
       "By Fate I could say"
       "Well Akeelah, thanks for helping"
       "Oh, it's no biggie"
       "What a twirp" I stayed in the basketball court watching the boys play, while Akeelah was busy drooling as she watched Antonio play, like what's so good about him, and I felt someone watching me the same feeling I've been having since I got to school, this person watching me is he a creep or what? Just know this dude no matter who you are, or what you are I'm gonna to find out sooner or later, it's a promise. As if the person was replying to me I heard, ' I will be waiting', I turned to look at Akeelah who was cheering for Antonio and guess it wasn't her, then who are you?

   Who do you think is watching her? and why do you think he is watching her
  Find out in my next chapter.

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