Chapter 12 • phase two: be mine

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Nia stood frozen for a minute. She was typically so eloquently certain about her decisions and words, she hated the way impartiality was plaguing her; the way language and her brain had been failing her lately.

Maybe it was a symptom of her guilt. Like becoming tongue tied when you're caught in a lie. But Nia hadn't lied, had she? So what did she have to feel guilty about? She hadn't 'done' anything. She was only thinking about it...


She didn't know how to quantify her thoughts or actions pertaining to Malcolm over the past couple weeks, but thinking about weighing them on a scale of good or bad pinched at her insides.

Regardless of if she had intended to, she had broken Malcolm and Zora up. But she couldn't think about that right now, right now she needed to collect herself in front of Colin and untangle her tongue to give him some sort of reply.

"You... you said you didn't want to add more stress to an already stressful situation, C."

"I know, I know." He soothed her, cradling her face. "I just had to tell you how I was feeling, Nia. As if it wasn't obvious already, I wanted you to know I'm crazy about you. Me telling you this changes nothing."

"It changes everything."

"Please don't let it." He tilted her head up to his and examined her eyes. "Unless you don't feel the same way..."

"No, it's not that. You're perfect... And that's the problem."

"Then don't worry about it, baby. We go together. Whether there's some official title on us or not. You sort your shit out first, and we'll sort ours out after that."

"But-" Nia started.

"But right now," Colin interrupted. "Right now, I want you to relax." He kissed her and guided her hands around his neck.

Colin ran his strong hands down Nia's arms until they reached her back. He pressed their bodies impossibly closer together with his firm touch, closing the immeasurable space between them, before untying the back of her top. It fell softly; creating a gust of air against her flushed skin and a whisper of a sound once it touched the ground.

His lips left hers to graze the corners of her mouth where he planted a single kiss while holding her breasts with his hands. His gentle grip intensified in the same way his mouth returned to speak onto hers, his index finger and thumb squeezing and tugging on her nipples in a way that caused them to swell sorely from feeling pleasurable pain. His lips grazed her jawline, where his tongue begun tracing a line down her neck, to her chest, and beyond her belly button as he knelt on his knees.

Nia rested her hands on Colin's shoulders as he unbuttoned her jeans. She rubbed the short bristles of his fade as he slid her lacy chocolate brown thong down her legs, his hands sliding down her sides from hips to thigh as her entire outfit made a pool at her feet. She cradled the back of his head as leverage as she stood on one leg, while he held the other, his head buried deep in between her thighs. His mouth no longer speaking, but eating; sucking and licking up every sweet and sticky drop. His tongue slid in every direction; in and out, up and down, and in between, only occasionally taking a break to kiss and suck on her clit. With every movement of his mouth, Colin created a mess of wetness Nia felt dribbling down her inner thigh and onto his freshly shaven face.

"Shit, C." Nia breathed as he guided her to sit on the couch.

"You're so fuckin' beautiful, you know that?" He asked as he pinned her legs back by her knees. He was staring at her; her whole body. His eyes trailing from her flushed face to her spread open glossy pussy and back up again.

The List that Lead the Logical Nia Birch to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now