Chapter 5 - The Past Ahead

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"Where are my sisters? They're okay, right?" questioned Summer, her mind refusing to let her rest or forget what had happened at the annual Christmas event. Despite her best attempts to push everything away, she could still hear the screams of terror when moments were quiet, still hear the explosion that destroyed the balcony. Every time she closed her eyes, she could still hear echoes of the aftermath, the dead lying where they'd fallen, some with terror frozen on their faces, others with an accusing tint to their eyes as if they somehow blamed her for what fate had befallen them.

What was worse, though, were the nightmares her imagination had conjured up, the haunting images of her sisters being torn away from her, losing them before you could tell them she loved them. The visions of her parents being among those hurt or killed, abandoning her and her sisters to work out how to live without them, how to navigate the world that followed them, and fight against their uncle's close-minded ways.

"I promise you they're alright. Safely hidden just like you," soothed Rhea as she rubbed Summer's arm and wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. The softest smile the Ozzie could muster painted on her lips. Dom soon appeared in the room, yawning from the sudden wake-up call, Finn not far behind. The Irishman passed a phone over to Summer. The moment he reached her side, the video call screen split into four. The bottom right corner showed the leggy blonde and those with her. Meanwhile, the other three were filled with those she worried about.

Kane and Crystal are in the top left corner, Emma and Aleister are in the top right, and finally, Victory with Damian and Seth in the bottom left. Most appeared as if they'd been woken up or not found the peacefulness of sleep in days. Crystal, as always, greeted her three girls with love despite her tired state, whereas Kane promised he'd come to visit the following day after getting off work. Dread appeared in his icy eyes as he remembered Mark would be there too, again bugging him for information, as he had done every day since the shootout.

As normal following the video call, Summer would be ready to attempt sleep again. Although the blonde was never sure if she would find the rest she hoped for, she would at least be at ease with the reminder her close family was safe. Her sisters were hidden and protected like she was, and her parents snuggled up back home. Finn would also stay with her when she attempted to sleep after the video call; he'd always start out near the balcony doors, looking out over the darkened landscape of the city, before joining Summer when she dozily asked for him for some comfort, normally she'd latch on and refuse to let go until morning rolled around.

In the city, the police department worked over time, specifically the investigators, on the case of the shootout and attack. Rightly, Mark and Kane had been told they wouldn't be a part of the investigating team due to their involvement and status as witnesses to the carnage that took place that night. Instead, Kane passed the time catching up on long overdue paperwork, normally from old cases he'd long since closed. Mark, on the other hand, delved into his own past, if only to find answers to bugging questions and hopefully prove his own theories wrong.

The elder Calaway brother was convinced the attack wasn't random, even less after the events that occurred after the initial shootout. Through the grapevine, he'd learned of several high-speed car chases around the city the same night as the shooting. All three incidences involved a highly modified black SUV being chased. Each of the pursuing cars was reported stolen, with witnesses reporting each carried a driver and two shooters, one in the front passenger and the other in the back behind the driver.

Instantly, Mark's mind told him Black Wolffe had returned. All the pieces of his muddled jigsaw puzzle were pointing to it. The modified SUVs were something Saraya spoke about for their daughter's protection, as was hiding Victory away somewhere until the coast was clear to return. The timing also made sense too. Evolution, TNA, Shane McMahon's side syndicate, and The Bloodline were all in one place, as were the Shield boys and their associates. It was all a perfect storm of events, where the little things most had ignored added to their conclusion.

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