Chapter 1 - The Confrontation

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Present Day

"Still getting to you?" asked the messy-haired blonde, as he walked into a large room. A pine meeting table took up the majority of the open space, although the room didn't feel cramped or suffocating, due to the wall of windows opposite the double door entrance. Moping at the far side of the table, was his partner in crime, feet upon the table, as he scrolled through his phone, a bored expression painted on his bearded features, yet his dark eyes shone with sadness over his recent heartbreak.

"I could probably get over the betrayal, but the affair and knowingly putting Renee in danger" replied Seth, putting his phone face down on the table when it began to ring again. Instead choosing to tie his long hair dark into a man bun at the top of his head. He'd been ignoring his phone whenever the caller ID said, Zarah. Whenever her name popped up, the pain and anger came flooding back, despite it being almost a week. Along with the pain, came the memories of the past, of Roman, the man who had once been a brother, but over the years had become an enemy, the reason he and Dean had to run, the reason why they'd hidden but constantly looked over their shoulder.

"Have you thought about my suggestion?" asked Dean, sweeping his fringe to the side, his icy eyes focusing on his best friend, a grin appearing on his lips as he voiced the question. Originally the idea had just been a passing comment, but the more Dean had thought about it the more he realized it would likely be their best option. Even more so when he'd spoken about with Renee, his trusted wife. As normal she was the voice of reason, helping him to weigh the pros and cons. "I know it's a risk, but it would solve our problems. Especially with Roman and his Bloodline" spoke the Ohio native, knowing the chances of going undetected by the Brothers of Destruction in Florida were low, but neither Roman nor their other enemies would follow.

"Actually I have been thinking about it" voiced Seth, a serious tone to his voice, as he pulled his feet from the table, giving Dean his full attention. "It's risky with the Brothers of Destruction there, but" he started offering Renee a friendly smile and a small wave when she entered the room, carrying a few things in her arms. Both men were glad she had appeared, as they considered her opinion valuable, especially when making difficult decisions. "But, Corey, Judgment Day, and the OC have all flourished there, they created a triarchy. It may be difficult but we can make it work. Consider joining the aforementioned" added the Iowan, listing some of the others who had thrust far survived Kane and the Undertaker.

"If you can find Taker's eldest daughter. She may be able to offer valuable protection" spoke Renee, recalling doing her own research. "Emphasis on find. Despite my extensive research, I haven't been able to find anything on Victory Wolffe since her mother's death. When Mark went to Florida, there was no record of Victory being with him. The only child mentioned now is his younger daughter with his wife" explained the Canadian, confusion once again ringing through her soft voice. Yet at some point, she had come to the conclusion that a part of the Triarchy had likely found the Black Queen's heir at some point, maybe even the reason why others found it difficult to track her down now.

"I highly doubt Taker's daughter could've gone missing and he not make a racket about it" voiced Dean, confusion written over his features. The moment he turned to Renee, he knew she wasn't finished, there was something more she had yet to tell. Seth on the other hand stayed quiet, although even he would admit it was odd Mark Calaway's eldest daughter could be missing and he hadn't torn the country apart to find her or raised hell on those he thought were responsible.

With a click of a button, the projector in the middle of the table came to life. On the bare wall in front of it appeared a photo of three women, all with smiles on their lips, their eyes sparkling with happiness. It was clear the three were close, maybe even sisters. One of them was a stylish blonde with crystal blue eyes. Another was a brunette, with the same crystal eyes as the blonde. In the middle of the two was a raven-haired woman with cobalt eyes. Both Dean and Seth glanced at each other almost immediately upon their eyes landing on the raven-haired woman. She looked identical to Saraya Wolffe.

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