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10 Years Ago

"It's nothing more than a routine mission" reassured the mercenary driving a highly modified SUV, trying his best to reassure his brothers in arms, there was nothing out of the ordinary regarding their latest assignment. Trying to reassure they're growing nerves and his own, and ignore the gut feeling telling all three of them something was off. All three of them had been working as mercenaries for Evolution for years now, ever since leaving the military behind. For the most part, they had been under Shane McMahon's command, he was a ruthless leader, but never failed to get the job done, although his tactics were to be desired. More often than not he would leave men behind or send others to their brutal deaths, especially if it meant achieving success.

"A routine mission doesn't normally mean putting innocent people in danger Roman" called the partially bleach blonde man from the back seat. Like both men in his company, he was clad in his old black ops gear, the only difference being Evolution's emblem sown onto a chest piece. "Lana shouldn't be involved in this, we all know it" he voiced, once again trying to be the voice of reason needed. No matter how many times Shane explained why Lana was needed, his instincts told him there was another reason.

"Tyler's right. Even Rusev protested against Lana being here tonight. Even he suspects somethings off" spoke the messy-haired blonde in the front passenger seat, rubbing his temples with his fingers, in an attempt to nurse the headache caused by the constant back and forth. "There's no valid reason for Lana to be here tonight. Nothing can justify Shane's plan or his insistence on ignoring everyone who protested" he added with uncertainty, his concern growing and tightening knots in his stomach. The crime syndicate known by TNA was known to be in the area, there was little doubt, they wouldn't be pleased to find members of a rival faction on their turf.

"Times like these I wish the Black Queen was still alive, or the Brothers were still around" commented Roman, recalling hearing the stories of Saraya Wolffe, she was a force to be reckoned with, a friend to those who earned her trust and respect and as vicious as they come to those her crossed her or had been deemed enemies. She left a legacy no one in the criminal underworld could forget and a reputation few would dare to live up to. Her death had shocked everyone, at the hands of an unnamed sniper trying to make a name for themselves. To that very day, no one knew who had ordered Saraya's death, or what happened to her toddler princess and heir.

"The brothers are still around, they just work on the right side of the law now" replied the blonde in the passenger seat. "Everyone who knew them back then knows they're not coming back, they dismantled their own syndicate as proof of that" he added, like Roman he had heard the stories of the Brothers, everyone in the criminal underworld had. In the years since leaving their old life behind, they had built a new life and reputation for themselves. The Undertaker had married and welcomed another daughter into the world, whereas Kane and his wife had picked up another daughter at some point. All four of the girls were kept hidden, to the point only rumors were ever heard of them.

Soon enough their conversation fell into silence as they arrived at what appeared to be an old warehouse on the outskirts of the city they operated from. To the untrained eye, it would appear abandoned, long forgotten by the community and city council. But to the three men clad in black swot gear, they could see the little signs others would ignore, signs that suggest the building was in use. There were new locks on the battered doors, a few new cameras strategically placed around the perimeter, and at least two well-armed guards walking a specific route.

"Everyone know the plan?" questioned Shane, his hair perfectly combed, a stark contrast to the old battered bulletproof vest he wore, the vest had clearly seen better days, but none the less Shane was attached to it, almost as if it reminded him of a bygone era or the old glory days of another life. "Rusev you're with me around the back, we'll cause a distraction around there while Lana causes one out here. Roman will be watching her, he'll get her out if anything happens. Jon and Tyler will sneak in the side entrance and retrieve the package, they'll send the signal once they've got it and we'll meet back at the rendevous" repeated Shane, although it was unclear who he was speaking to.

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