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🙑 𝐒he stared at the floor plainly, Kicking an empty bottle out of the way: She had been thinking about what Micheal said, How his brother died the previous day.. And on his birthday no less! She couldn't stop thinking about it, No because she was upset herself but because she felt so sorry for Evan's family. Yes, She somewhat blamed Micheal and his friends for being dumbasses and thinking such a thing would be a good idea..

"Heyyy! SHORTCAKE~" someone squealed with loud footsteps rushing up behind her before she was choked into a hug; "ACK!" she coughed, Trying to get the scrawny hands off around her neck.

"Wha-" [_____] huffed, Patting herself down once she managed to get free from the tight grasp. She then looked over to see a certain.. someone: Casey Juniors! Her best friend since kindergarten, Casey was one of the popular kids in their small school due to their natural talent and nice nature.

Casey was around 3'5 with their shoulder lengthed brown hair put into a low messy bun, A nude eyeshadow above Their unnatural grey eyes. They; Like herself, Wore the school uniform which consisted of a basic white, collard shirt with a (colour) vest over the top. They wore dark grey pants and finally some brown slip on shoes.

"Good Morning [_____]!" They greeted, A grin growing on their face; Which was far brighter than [____]'s future. The (h/c) girl felt blinded by the light and winced. "G-good morning c-Casey!" She stammered, Her face heating up as the Brunette slipped their hand in hers.

"Well, Since we bumped into each other mysteriously and withoutanysortofplanbetweenmeandmywingman- How about we walk to school together?" she spoke, Fastly as she looked around the street with a few beads of sweat. "A-and! It might even make you feel better~ I saw you sulking earlier. You know i make a wonderful therapist!"


[_____] blinked with confusion swirling in their eyes, After trying to work out what she had said she later on shook her head and continued walking. "S-sure, I don't mind!" Casey smiled softly and swung their hands together.

"So.. um.. do you want to talk about it?" They looked into [____]'s eyes, Worried. "You.. you probably heard about it already; Evan died.. yesterday." Casey frowned instantly.

"O-oh! I'm s-sorry!" she shouted, Realising the two were friends. "I-i shouldn't h-have-"

"No, it's alright.. I'm upset; yes. B-but, Evan wouldn't want me to be! So today i plan on making myself and EVERYONE around me happy; This way he doesn't feel sad or guilty in heaven.." the two walked in complete silence after that.








School went by pretty fast; Everyone basically sat in silence as they wrote cards to Evan for a funeral Mr. and Mrs. Afton would be having for everyone. Why was everyone invited to the funeral? Simple: Most people were close friends or at least knew people from the small family therefore they were invited.

[_____] and her classmates all informed any of the new students or kids that just wasn't aware who Evan Afton was in general. Then the rest of the day they were all doing quiet yet fun activities to try take their minds of grieving so much.

A (colour) door slammed open, An overly tired twelve year old lazily walking inside; Throwing her back and jacket to the floor. her held their Yellow rabbit plush in her hands as she sat on the edge of her bed. And soon enough, she fell asleep.








Apologies for the extremely short page! This is just a slight filler from the previous page; If i'm being honest i had no idea how to go from that anyways.. *totally scary ghost noises* 👻~ Y/n's going to sleee👻eep~ what could pOssibly happen?

heheheheaasas anyways! So.. I'm now like.. 60/40% set on making this a childish romantic story, Meaning the kids won't be so in love or lovey dovey; And there would be NO sexual things (these are minors after all) but instead;

- Somewhat cringe-y pickup lines,

- Cute crushes,

- Extreme fluff,

- Cuddles,

- Small kisses on the (face) cheeks and hand,

- The kid kind of flirting (trust me it's different)

- Reading together,


i'll wait though; In case more people want just Platonic and no romantic things whatsoever... Though i am changing the uh rule? thing:

5 or more people for||Childish Romantic:

1. @Neko-Channnn1.

2. @ShStainBanks.

3. @Namenotfoundnow

4. @Lulow4

5. @StargazerNotHere 


6 or more people for||Purely Platonic:








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