Dami: A Princess in Love - The Unlikely Encounter (1)

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A/N: Cross posted on the Kpops  

"Girls? Where is Yubin?" The queen poked her head into the media room, where the Lee princesses and Kim Baronesses were situated, playing a game on their console on the screen

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"Girls? Where is Yubin?" The queen poked her head into the media room, where the Lee princesses and Kim Baronesses were situated, playing a game on their console on the screen.

"Mother!" "Your majesty." The sound of five people greeting the incoming queen sounded as they paused the game and turned in her direction, with the baronesses standing up and acknowledging the queen's presence.

"Relax girls," the queen said, smiling at the five girls, "You three should know better than to call me by my title behind closed walls, we're basically family," She addressed the three Kim baronesses, smiling at her words as she leaned on the door frame.

"Yubin said that she's feeling a little under the weather," piped up Gahyeon from her spot next to Minji, "so she retired early to rest."

"I see," the queen replied, pondering slightly. "Should I get someone from the kitchens to send her something?"

"I think she's sleeping already Mother," Siyeon said. "Shouldn't we let her rest instead?" she concluded, sounding convincing.

The queen pondered for a short while, before speaking again.

"Very well," she finished, putting her hands in her sweater pockets. "I'm going to retire for the night as well, don't stay up too late, all of you, okay?"

"Yes ma'am! Good night!"

"That was close..." Minji said as they ensured the queen was not in earshot of the media room.

"We're sure she won't go up to check in on Yubin, right?" Yoohyeon asked, looking slightly concerned.

"She won't!" Siyeon said, clapping Yoohyeon on the back in a manner if done in public her mother would faint. "We're grown ups and she respects our privacy."

"Relax!" Bora said, sipping her apple juice glass, "Let the girl enjoy going out without bodyguards for one night!"


"Thanks! Come again soon!" Yubin heard the hairdresser say as she pulled the door to the salon open. Running a hand through her now blue hair ends, she stepped onto the streets of Hongdae.

It wasn't often that she got to roam the streets alone without the presence of her guards. Even when attending university, she was shadowed by guards incognito. She was also treated differently: people referring to her by her royal title of crown princess. She hated the added weight of her role in the nation. She enjoyed being able to interact with people freely as equals, as Lee Dami of Seoul, as opposed to Lee Yubin, Crown Princess of the Kingdom of South Korea.

Smiling at her plight, she continued to walk down the streets, mingling amongst the people who were unaware of the royalty that walked amongst them. Hidden behind a mask, a pair of round glasses, a wool beanie, and a scarf wrapped around her neck, she thanked the barista that she bought a cup of warm jasmine tea from as she checked her watch, showing that it was a quarter to Nine.

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