Yoohyeon - Black Suit

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Genre: Action, fluff(?)

edit and inspiration from drn_160

Pic: some of the pictures to help with immersion

Pic: some of the pictures to help with immersion

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(Yoohyeon POV)

"Comms check, comms check, this is Rabbit standing at point alpha, dreamcatcher please check in, over." I hear JiU call over our radio.

"This is Chick standing at point bravo, over," Sua responds.

"Wolf on guard at point charlie, over," says Siyeon, from her spot overlooking the front doors.

"Cat, standing with wolf on guard at point charlie two, over," Handong responds from her spot facing the other side of the doors.

I raise my right hand to my earpiece, before responding, "Puppy standing by at backstage point delta over."

"This is Panda, standing at stage area point echo, over." Comes Dami at her spot next to the stage.

"This is Fox, comms are working perfectly, and surveillance is a go from point foxtrot, over." comes the voice of Gahyeon from our temporary base.

"Look alive girls, the top brass wants to make sure that the Hope Diamond doesn't get discovered or taken away before they sell it for a good price." JiU says over the radio.

"Guys," I say, cutting into JiU's words, "do we really have to go through with this deal? I know we need money and everything, but guarding the auction of a piece of history that should be in a museum for everyone, are we really doing the right thing here?" I ask.

A brief radio silence follows before the radio crackles back to life.

"Look Yoohyeon, I know it's not the right thing to do, but it is necessary to keep our company afloat, our security company has been running short on funds and we really need this gig to make it, so let's just do our job and forget about it okay?" JiU says through the radio.

"Fine..." I say, in a tone that I hope sounds neutral and not depressing.

"Let's go back to our duties shall we?" Dami says.

"Acknowledged, over and out," I say as I make my way around backstage, looking for anything suspicious.

"Fox to dreamcatcher," comes Gahyeon's voice over the radio, "I've just received word from the top that we are potentially expecting a 'special guest': our old friend Y/N the Phantom Thief, so be on high alert, look for suspicious cards carrying his call sign and people who are acting strangely. Over and out."

"Acknowledged Fox, Puppy over and out." I say as I return to my patrol.

"So old friend, you've decided to come and join the party?" I say to no one in particular, as I turn down an empty corridor.

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