𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖞 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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• 𝓜𝓪𝓮 •

Seraph and I stayed in bed for what felt like the majority of the night. We didn't speak much, but he always had his hands or some part of his body on mine. But even with the touches, he seemed confused. His eyebrows were drawn together and he stared up at my ceiling or my wall like he was deep in thought.

I had a feeling I knew why he was acting strangely. He'd practically claimed me and admitted he loved me all within a span of half an hour. Add to that the fact that he was obviously jealous that I'd drunk from two human males, I didn't think he knew what to do with himself.

I wanted to know what happened to make him the way he was. I did grow to love him so much quicker than I'd ever thought possible, but it was curious to me that he seemed so put off by the fact that he actually had feelings. Who hurt him to make him this way?

I looked at him again, and he had a frown on his face.

"You need to work on not filtering your thoughts to others." He glanced at me, raising an eyebrow.

I cringed. I hadn't meant to. "Sorry."

He shook his head, looking away again. "Don't be."

I thought that was where the conversation was going to end. I didn't think he'd open up - not yet, at least. He and I hadn't known each other for long, even if we'd admitted we loved each other. And Seraph was not an open book. A lot of things about him were a mystery, and likely would continue to be a mystery for many, many years.

But I had an eternity now.

Well...if Titus didn't kill me first. Which was a real worry at this point.

"The knife I gave you was my mom's." His voice was soft when he finally spoke. "It was made for her by my dad when he learned about vampires."

I blinked, looking at him when he paused. I knew the knife was his mom's, only because Zero had brought it up before he used it to kill me. But I hadn't realized it was a gift to her from his dad. I couldn't tell if that made the gift more special.

"He gave it to her so she could protect herself," he said, his eyes trailing to the window. It was snowing again, the little white flakes falling so innocently to the ground. "The reason why Zero said it was funny you'd die by it, is because my parents were killed by a vampire and neither of them were able to get to the knife to use it."

I stared at him, my chest hurting.

He still didn't look at me. "So he found it funny that I gave it to you so you could protect yourself, only for him to ultimately use it to kill you."

He wasn't touching me. I didn't think he could. So I didn't try to reach for him either. He'd touch me again in time. After he was finished and after the rage that started simmering in his eyes dulled.

I sat up, close to him, but still not touching him. If I wasn't a vampire, he would have felt my body heat with how close we were. But maybe he felt my presence all the same.

"Both of your parents," I asked.

His lips thinned for a moment, his eyes narrowing like he was remembering the scene. "One after the other. My dad, then my mom. And instead of killing me too, the vampire who killed them decided to change me."

I shook my head, confused. "How does Zero even know about that to use it against you?"

He didn't seem the type to open up to someone like this. Least of all to Zero.

Seraph sighed, remaining silent for long enough that I didn't think he'd answer. Maybe he'd given me too much in too short of time. I knew better to push, but I was curious all the same.

"Doyle," was all he said, and I understood immediately, though I wish I hadn't.

"Doyle," I repeated softly. "He...did Doyle kill your parents and change you?"

Seraph gave me an almost imperceptible nod, his eyes still focused on the snow out my window.

I didn't know what to say. Did he even want me to say something? Did he need comfort? Or was it too late for that? His eyes held a mixture of anger and sadness, and he was so still he was almost like a statue sitting on the side of the bed.

"No matter what you may think," he finally said, his eyes finding mine again, "Zero is just as bad as his father, if not worse. Don't think him giving you this truce is him being nice. He was saving his own skin. And the next time you get the chance to kill him, I hope you don't hesitate again."

I nodded wordlessly. I hadn't wanted to hesitate. I hadn't wanted to let Zero live. But if what Zero said was true, I'd be risking more than just my own life. Kite, Noah, Luca, and Seraph would be at risk too. And while maybe I didn't need to worry about a couple of them, I did regardless. Because if the throne room taught me anything, it was the fact that all they needed was a guard who could suck their powers and they could be made damn near useless.

And the things that could be done to them when they're made useless? The things that likely would be done?

I didn't know what Titus wanted from me. I'd consider him believing I was a threat if the idea wasn't so ludicrous. He was too strong to fear someone so new.

"He's afraid of what you'll become," Seraph supplied.

I frowned. "I really need to work on not filtering my thoughts to others."

He smiled slightly at the words he'd used earlier. "It'll come in time."

I sighed, and his hand reached out and cupped my face, turning it to face him. He searched my eyes, that earlier confusion - or maybe it was concern - reappearing as he watched me.

"What's wrong," I whispered.

"This is new." He caressed my cheek. "The feelings. I don't know..."

When his voice trailed off, I gave him a gentle smile, tilting my face into his hand. "It's okay."

His eyes softened. Just the slightest bit. If I hadn't been as close as I was, I likely would have missed it.

I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, and his hand slipped back from my cheek so he could grip the back of my head. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss for only a moment before pulling away.

I grinned at him, and he scoffed, but his lip curled into a small smile.

"Let's get you cleaned up, little bird," he murmured, leaning forward and kissing my forehead.

A/N: I'm working on getting my writing groove back so stick with me here I'm doing my best lol

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