𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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• 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓪 •

If I could find the goddamn psychopath, I could lock him up then get back to Mae, but the motherfucker was doing his best at avoiding me. The radio silence in my head told me that neither Noah nor Kite had found him either, and it was beginning to wear on my nerves.

We'd spread out to all of his normal zones and he was nowhere to be found. Someone had let Kite know that Seraph did leave the castle, but no one knew where the hell he went.

I was pent up. Frustrated. It didn't help that Mae melted against my body earlier. And fuck me if I hadn't imagined every little way I could pleasure her.

I stopped walking and sighed, running my hands over my face in an attempt to relax. At first, the chill in the air was enough to shock my senses, but the longer I walked around, the more irritated I was getting. I needed to feel her skin against mine. Hear her little noises of pain and pleasure. I'd been so close.

"Fuck," I muttered, my hands falling to my sides.

"Problem, Luca?"

I turned and eyed Seraph from over my shoulder.

'Found him,' I thought to Noah and Kite.

"Never a problem," I said, facing him fully. "Just trying to find you."

He held his arms loosely at his sides, his reddish-purple eyes narrowed and watching me. He looked irritated, like what Mae and him talked about hadn't quite left his mind yet.

'Did he kill someone,' Kite asked.

I searched him. Unless he drained someone dry, I doubted it. But that wasn't his modus operandi. I'd see blood somewhere on him. I would have smelled it.

'No,' I thought back.

"For what," Seraph asked.

I slid my hands into the pockets of my pants and grinned. "I heard you and Mae had a nice conversation. Though there's a reason Kite didn't want to tell her how to kill us."

He tilted his head. "Afraid she's going to lash out at one of you dipshits one of these days? What? Are you treating her so poorly that you fear her retribution?"

"Well," I shrugged. "We did bring her back here. She isn't too happy with that."

She wasn't happy, but from what I could tell she was understanding now. I didn't think she liked being locked up in a castle like some modern day Rapunzle, but her cottage had long since been re-occupied and the district was pretty much full. She didn't have anywhere else to go, and it was easier to keep an eye on her when we knew where she was. Though how long she would put up with it, I wasn't too sure.

"No kidding." He sighed.

"Why are you so interested in her," I asked. It was strange. Seraph disliked everyone, tolerated Zero - even though apparently he wanted to kill him - and the people Zero hung around with. But Seraph had stopped her and Zero from interacting multiple times. He was either interested in her, or he hated Zero that much.

Zero loved her fear, her anger. Any negative emotion he could pull out of her, he craved it. But what would happen if he pushed her too far? He already lost an eye, though it was almost done regenerating itself. What would be next?

Not that I really cared what happened to him. I just found her fiery attitude sexy as hell and wanted to watch.

"Why are you," he asked.

Treading on bad waters here. If he was interested in her and I answered in a way that ticked him off, I'd probably end up needing to watch my back.

"Noah and I were in the same foster home as her before the takeover," I said. "We've been friends for a long time."

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