𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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• 𝓜𝓪𝓮 •

In the first moments of awareness after waking, I realized that my body was shaking and someone was holding me tight against them. And in those moments, I remembered everything. Who I slept with. What we'd done together, and in turn what I did to him when the nightmares took over.

There were things I'd never get into with anyone. Things I'd never say or admit to. And when those particular dreams decided to rear their ugly heads, it was better to not be near anyone. My fight or flight senses took over and immediately switched to fight and kill if need be.

It had been so long since I had that dream.

I opened my eyes when familiar scented sheets covered me and I looked up at Luca.

I knew Noah and Kite were there. Noah had talked me down, and admitted that they were both there. But why did I feel like there was someone else there?

Luca smiled slightly at me. "Hi, princess."

I looked down at his hands. His wrists. The one that I broke.

He moved them around, still holding me close. "All better. You're stronger than you look."

I met his eyes again, then looked at his throat, where he continued to heal. The wounds were nothing more than little pink crescent-shaped marks on his skin now. He let me look, watching me as I watched them fade further until they were gone.

Almost as if he knew when they were gone, he lowered his head and placed his lips by my ear. "If you tell me who hurt you, I'll kill them if they're not dead already."

I closed my eyes.

"Are you..."

The voice made me open my eyes again and look at Kite, and I startled when I saw Seraph, a careful mask of...something over his features. It wasn't a calm sort of emotion. There was a tinge of anger behind his eyes.

The door to Luca's room was closed and he leaned against it, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched me.

Why the hell was Seraph there?

I looked back at Kite, knowing they wouldn't have let Seraph in if they thought he was a threat.

"Are you okay," Kite asked. Then he sighed. "Obviously you're not. What do you need? What will make you feel better?"

I glanced down, realizing I was naked, but thankfully covered by the blankets.

"Clothes," I murmured.

"Get one of my shirts from the closet." Luca motioned to the closet with a nod of his head and Kite disappeared from view as he stepped inside.

I once again looked at Seraph, meeting his gaze as he stared at me. They kept moving over me, almost too quickly for me to notice, then came back to rest on my face.

Kite came back with a black t-shirt that I maneuvered over my head and body while I remained covered by the sheets. When I finally had it on, I slowly moved off of Luca, making sure to keep him covered as well.

If I wasn't so damn tired, I would have been embarrassed that they all saw us naked. But knowing their friendship, Noah and Kite already knew what happened. Seraph, however...

"So," Luca leaned back, grabbing my hand to keep me from moving too far away from him, "what brings you here, Seraph? I didn't call for your help."

Seraph didn't look at him. "I...felt her."

Kite turned and stared at him. "You felt her...what?"

He raised a hand to his chest and rubbed it, like he was rubbing away an ache there. He looked down at the floor, discomfort marring his features. "Her dreams...kind of jumped into my mind. And I felt her emotions through the dream."

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