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Blood is beautiful.

That's the main thought that runs through my head at the start of every 'errand' I do. After all, from blood and pain comes perfection. For example, watching the blood flow freely out of Judge Boon's arteries after I've sliced them open.

I wipe my blade off on his ridiculously expensive suit as his lifeless eyes stare at the space in front of him while his fat mouth hangs open. I'll admit, this wasn't my most creative kill, but I'm in a time crunch here. This was just a quick grab and slash. Nothing to it.

A smile forms on my lips when I remember the lecherous way he looked at me when he first entered his kitchen this morning and saw me standing here, only to turn to shock and terror when I stabbed him in the gut and quickly tied him to his dining table chair before I finished him off. I have no doubt that his first thought at finding a young woman in his house was that he would have his wicked way with me. He's a pig after all, a pig who believes he's above all women. The fact that a tiny, five foot four woman, dressed in a vibrant pink outfit is the one who took him out is just the icing on the cake.

Judge Boon was a slippery prick who not so secretly murdered his mistress and unborn illegitimate child from a few towns over. You would think since everyone knows he did it he would get sentenced to prison at the very least. But seeing as how we live in a small town and he's always been a respected member of society for putting away criminals and all, he got off scot-free. Ironic, I know. Not even a slap on the wrist.

Apart from leaving behind a very distinctive boot print and bragging about it to his buddies, there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. Go figure.

That's when I get pissed, an emotion I don't particularly care for, and take matters into my own hands. I'm not a vigilante, I prefer to consider myself as more of a righter of wrongs, unseen hero, or my personal favorite... fiery godmother. Just hand me my crown and make me an official member of the avengers. I could totally rock a latex bodysuit.

The alarm on my phone goes off, pulling me from my kickass superhero daydream, alerting me that playtime is over. I quickly do a double check around Boony boy's kitchen and make sure I didn't leave any of my own evidence behind. No doubt they would do a thorough search once his body is discovered. Especially when his wife walks through the door and sees her loving husband tied to a chair in their elegant kitchen, sitting in a puddle of his own blood.

Once I finish scanning the area in case I missed something, I slip out the side door and walk across the backyard until I reach the neighbor's property line before untying Mr. Scruffles from the light pole near the sidewalk so we can continue our morning walk. His little furry tail goes to wagging once we continue on our journey.

"You were a barktastic accomplice today Mr. Scruffles." I coo at the adorable yorkie I've been entrusted to dog walk all week. He yips at me in return and I laugh at his enthusiasm.

I should get a dog, that way I won't be so lonely. It would be nice to have a companion. Especially one like Mr. Scruffles who is just excited to be around me. That would be a pleasant change.

The people of Slapout, Alabama are friendly and well meaning, but I don't exactly have any friends, even though I grew up here. I suppose I can't really blame them, especially after what happened to my family. Most people generally don't want to get close to someone who had to witness their father and brother being slaughtered at a young age. It creeps them out knowing I was exposed to such horrors and somehow survived. My own mother wasn't even sure how to deal with me. She did her best though, at least she stuck around as long as she did while still dealing with her own grief.

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