Season 1 Episode 8: Duel with a Ghoul - Pt1

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(Watch Opening)

After the opening, Joey is seen running through the forest with the others running behind him. He stops for a moment to look around as he soon starts to run again.

Tristan: H-hey, slow down will ya?!

Joey: No! I gotta find Ami!

Joey stops as he keeps looking around to see if Amikou was anywhere nearby as he continued to run into another part of the forest. Stopping in place as he calls out into the air.

Joey: Ami, where are you?!

As he shouts, the others manage to catch up to them with Tea and Tristan breathing heavily as Jason and Yami were good on breath.

Tristan: I don't think she's around here...

Joey: She has to be... I gotta find her!

Tea: You really think she wants you to find her? She said she never wanted to see you again, especially after what you said.

Joey grabbed the sides of his head as he grunts and paced back and forth.

Joey: Gah! I know! I know I screwed up again, but I didn't mean it like dat! I was angry that she didn't trust us enough to alteast tell us...

Yami: Joey, it was ultimately her decision to make whether she was ready or not to reveal that information.

Jason: But it's out in the open now. What's important now is what happens next.... and what you intend to do?

Joey looks at his dueling glove as he narrows his eyes before breaking into another run. The others soon followed him as they ran for what seemed to be an hour, sooner or later, they were now in the meadow region around the area where Joey beat Mai as they looked around the area.

Tea: I'm starting to get worried.... I hope she's alright.

Jason: Well, that should answer your questions right there.

Jason points over to direct the group's attention to a girl walking in the distance with familiar long brown hair, and a black leather jacket. Joey's eyes widened as he saw her as he once again broke into a sprint and with the others behind him, called out to Amikou.

Joey: Ami! Wait!

Amikou turned around with a cold stare directed at the Brooklyn boy as her eyes were red from crying.

Amikou: What do you want, Wheeler?

Joey: Ami, I-i'm... I'm sorry.

Amikou crossed her arms as she kept her hard stare on Joey as he continued to speak.

Joey: I-i... I said some things I probably shouldn't have. And I understand that it was entirely your decision to tell us that you were a Kaiba...

Amikou: No, I wasn't trying to hold it off. I was afraid to say it because I knew something like this would happen! It always goes the same way with almost every new friend I met growing up, the moment they find out about my family, they put on a mask. They would either pretend to be nice for my family's money or assume I would be some spoiled brat who'd ruin their lives if they weren't nice to me! I never cared about the money or the status, I just wanted to be a normal girl with friends who actually cared and worried about me....

The group looked at her sadly as Joey placed his hand on his glove, before staring back into Amikou's eyes as he seemed sorrowful.

Tea: Ami... We'll always care about you.

Yami: She's right. You're a good friend.

Tristan: Yeah! Friends till the end! Right Joey?

Joey: ....Well, maybe for you guys.... But I still screwed up and let my anger get da better of me... I said some things I didn't mean, and because of that I hurt one of my best friends. And if I'm a true friend, then I have to make this right.

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