who's watching? - jason robertson

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WC: 2377

I have been dreading this day since I broke up with Ty Dellandrea after I found out from another fellow girlfriend of the Dallas Stars that he was going on dates with another girl behind my back.

The funny thing was, I had knew prior that Ty was cheating on me, I just brushed it off hoping he'd stop being childish after we had been dating since our senior year in high school. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you interpret the situation, his actions never got better, leading to the two of us splitting for good.

I've had ups and downs regarding my emotions after breaking up with the Stars center, but lately I've been doing a lot better with the help of gym therapy and serotonin boosts from my friend's gorgeous golden retriever puppy.

The part mentioning how I was dreading this day was because I had invested in so much money into this fucking end of the season dance party formal thing that the wives and girlfriends founded for their plus ones after such a great season. Though the Stars reaching the Western Conference Finals weren't exactly planned, it was still alright in timing of the dance since it was usually after the Stanley Cup Finals.

Since I had invested so much money of my own into this dance, I basically was forced to go. Though I'd probably be drinking my life away with a dozen glasses of champagne and going home more depressed than coming into the party.

Over the last few hours I've been living on Little Debbie Nutty Buddy's and two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola while I got myself ready for tonight. Hair, makeup, I had a friend come over and do my nails, then of course, putting the wonderful silver, slim dress that looked like a disco ball puked all over it. It really was a gorgeous, shimmering dress that I found on sale at a local prom and formal shop.

And maybe perhaps I was trying to impress one person on the Stars, but who knew if he would even pay attention. If he was even going to be there.

I sighed as I put the red lipstick in my makeup bag, then looked in the mirror as I moved my lips to make sure the lipstick stayed on my lips.

I fluffed out my curly, dark almond brown hair with a significant amount of volume in it, then shook it out even more to the point that I was most satisfied with.

Once I finished putting the finishing touches on me like jewelry, I put my heels on, then texted my ride that I was ready to go.

I slammed down my second glass of champagne as a slow song came on over the loudspeakers. I was alone at the girlfriends' table, which was separate to the wives' table. On the other side, which had some tables belonging to the men on the Stars, there sat a group of three men who I couldn't tell who they were from a distance.

I sighed as I poured myself another glass of champagne. I was right—I was gonna go home more depressed than what I already was.

"Hold up on the champagne," somebody said from behind me as they slid into the seat next to me.

My heart started to race as I looked into those deep, almost black-like, brown eyes of the person next to me. I felt my face redden, then I looked away in embarrassment.

Jason chuckled as I heard him slide a glass of something towards me. I looked back at him, then I realized it was a glass of white grape wine.

He smiled. "Thought I'd buy you something to drink. You seem irritated that you're not out there with a guy. What happened to you and Ty?" he asked.

I sighed as I gave him a half-shrug. "It's long story," I told him, grabbing for the wine and taking a bitter sip.

Jason nodded his head as he looked out to the dancing crowd slowly moving to the beat and rhythm of the music. He looked back at me.

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