the way i loved you - kirill kaprizov

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WC: 1729

Despite me being broken up with Kirill Kaprizov for about two weeks now, I still get invites to the Wild's dumb little dinners at someone's house, each different every time.

When I got home from a rough day full of classes, I was not amused to find yet another invite that was slid underneath my door. This time, it was a swimming party at captain Jared Spurgeon's house in Edina.

"Do they not know that Kirill and I aren't together anymore?" I muttered to myself, picking the invitation off of the floor, crumpling it up and tossing it into the garbage.

I groaned as I flipped myself onto my couch. I just wanted to stay home and relax, as I just got finished with a long day of business classes. Oh well, that's what I get for deciding to major in business management.

Then, unexpectedly, an idea dawned on me as I was staring at the popcorn ceiling in my apartment.

Maybe I could go to the party and tell the team that Kirill and I weren't seeing each other anymore, then I can just leave, because what was the point? Unless if I was hooking up with another one of the Wild players, which probably was close to impossible since most had loyal girlfriends and/or wives. If only I had that.

Kirill and I both parted ways in mutual feelings. There wasn't any hate or malice, it was just Kirill wanted to focus more on his hockey career in America rather than live a double life trying to balance hockey and a love life. I completely understood, but obviously I felt a little saddened because I felt like I was just too much for him to handle. Which was unfortunate, but these things happen, especially to those devoted to their career, like Kirill. Before our breakup, we had actually dated for a while, about eight months to be exact.

However, ever since our breakup, we haven't spoken at all, despite him promising that we could still be friends. That hasn't happened in the two weeks we've been separated, and I wonder if he even meant what he said.

I sighed and got up from my couch. It was currently 6:03, and I had a little less than an hour to get myself ready for Jared's party and get myself down to Edina.

Looks like I was going to attempt the world's fastest time to get ready for a stupid drinking party with a bunch of drunk hockey guys.


I knocked on Jared's door and Danielle, his wife, opened the door.

"Hey there, Kelsey! Kirill should be inside with the guys. You know how they are," she giggled as she let me inside their huge house.

I awkwardly chuckled. "About that, I have something to tell you," I told her.

Danielle turned around and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Kirill and I broke up. Like, two weeks ago," I said.

Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped in disbelief, or what I believed to be disbelief.

"Seriously? Oh, I never knew that. I'm so, so, sorry," she said, squeezing me into one of her tight hugs.

I chuckled. "It's okay, nobody knew. That's why I haven't been showing up to these...dumb parties and gatherings," I responded as I let go of her.

She giggled, sipping on her glass of champagne. "Oh, I know. But I guess it's 'team bonding', but they're just getting drunk most of the time," she responded. "Care for a drink?" she offered.

I shrugged. "Maybe some pink moscato if you have some," I said.

She nodded her head. "For sure," she responded, then she walked away.

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