Chapter 5

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When I came too I could smell something most horrid, groaning I slowly sat up and came face to face with Oin. "hey lass your finally awake Thorin will be thrilled." I sat up with his help and rubbed my face, "where is he?" they pointed to a cave and I could hear voices from inside. More like echoes instead of actual voices. About five minutes later Gandalf came out with three swords in his hands, one he gave to Bilbo, and when he saw me awake he came over and handed me one as well. "It's a sword made by the high elves of Gondolin. I removed my old sword and strapped across my back and put my new one on my hip.

When Thorin exited the cave and saw me he ran and started to fuss, I grabbed his hands and made him look at me, "Thorin I'm fine I only passed out because of the smell, my nose is extremely sensitive. And the trolls were vile smelling." He sighed in relief and then I heard something coming "Thorin something is coming." We both drew our new swords and he pulled me behind him a bit. Suddenly rabbits and a wooden sleigh bursted through the trees dragging a man dressed completely in brown, screaming "THIEVES! FIRE! MURDER!" and from the sound of his voice I knew it was Radagast the Brown. Then Gandalf confirmed it. "Radagast. It's Radagast the Brown. Well, what on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf asked while the other put away their weapons. Looking at Gandalf he caught sight of me over his shoulder, and quick as a bunny ran over to me and bowed.

"You Highness," when he stood up he looked worried "My Lady, why are you here with these Dwarves, your father is worried about you and your brother if holding the fort while your father never leaves his throne room, a while ago I ran into your brother Prince Legolas and he said if I were to see you to let you know that your father wants you home." I had my hand on Thorin's shoulder to keep him from pushing Radagast away with his still drawn sword. Then I realized why Thorin was so on edge, Radagast had spoken to me in elvish and the dwarves were confused and insulted, because they thought they were being bad mouthed by the Brown Wizard. I nodded and thanked him for his message and he ran back to Gandalf.

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong, something is terribly wrong." "yes?" Gandalf said waiting for Radagast to get on with it. so when he was about to start he stopped, then he did it twice more, "just give me a minute. Oh. I had a though and now I've lost it. it was right there on the tip of my tongue, oh, it's not a thought at all." Then he stuck out his tongue and said "it's a silly old stick insect." I shuddered and so did Thorin I giggled and he turned to smirk at me over his shoulder.


We were all standing around waiting for Gandalf to finish with Radagast. The boys were talking and taking a breather while they waited, then we heard a howl, suddenly two Wargs jumped out and attacked us Thorin killed one and Kili shot the other, "Warg scouts." He grunted pulling his sword from its head. "which means an Orc pack is not far behind." "Orc pack." Bilbo asked stunned. "who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?" "no one." "who did you tell?" "no one I swear, what in Durin's name is going on." Gandalf sighed heavily "You are being hunted." Dwalin said to run but Ori and Bifur came out tell us that our horses bolted.

"I'll draw them off, if only to protect Aaralyn and the people with her." he said bowing to me again. "these are Gundabad Wargs. They will out run you." Gandalf spat angrily. "these are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try." I giggled at Radagast's enthusiasm, we then heard the Wargs howling and started to move, we moved to hide behind large rocks and stones as we waited for Gandalf's signal to move, him and I peered around a large moss covered stone and when I was clear I call to the others "come on." Then we ran for the next covering. Wanting to be out of sight as much as possible. Just as we were rounding a corner Radagast blew past and I made a quick grab for Thorin seeing as he was out in the open.

Turning around and running the other way Gandalf called a "stay together", I stayed at the back so that if anyone fell behind I would be able to help them. But so far it was okay Thorin was a few paces ahead, as we continued Thorin moved up to the front and saved Ori from being seen, then Gandalf had us move in a single line but Thorin and I stayed with him at the end "where are you leading us?" Thorin asked but Gandalf ignored him and we had to keep moving. Was we were running one of the Wargs broke off and we had to hide under the rock he was on top of, Kili and I were next to each other, so Thorin nodded for us to shoot it, I told him to get the rider and I'd get the Warg he agreed and we moved. My longer arrows killed the mutt but Kili needed two arrows for the rider and that still didn't bring him down because Thorin had to stab it once or twice.

But through all that the beasts made noise and attracted the others to us. So we were no longer able to run in secret. Thorin started to yell at me and Kili to shoot them so we did, then we ran some more getting closer to each other, so that we were in helping distance from each other. Fili started to shout "we're surrounded!" and Dori asked for Gandalf but Dwalin called and said "he's abandoned us." Then the crazy old wizard shouted to us. "this way you fools!" and those who were closest jumped into the hole between the rocks. I was one of the farthest ones out so it took me longer to get to the stone passage.

So Thorin stood guard and shouted at everyone to get inside, one of the closer Wargs made a jump for Thorin but I put an arrow in its head just as he slashed at it with his sword. "Kili! Aaralyn run!" he shouted for us but I never got far because I was surrounded, I killed an Orc that tried to get into the pathway and it died and fell in anyway, then I dropped my bow and pulled out my sword and hack and slashed for what felt like forever, I could hear Thorin and the other calling for me, it was mostly blocked out by an elf horn.

Quickly putting my sword away and retrieving my bow I made a mad dash for the gap and just as I was about to jump something grabbed me, and my bow slipped from my hands and into the stone mouth, I shouted for Thorin and I could heard him too, but it was mostly blocked out by the Wargs shouts and howls of defeat and pain and horses hooves. I was struggling so much that the person who had grabbed me, had to throw me over his saddle and the he started to ride away from the dwarves and my lover.


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