Chapter 1

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P.S I do not own this story I am only putting my own personal spin on it and rewrote some parts from the movie.

Elvish. Except for when it's old Bilbo narrating.


Black speech.

Narrator: Old Bilbo Baggins.

My dear Frodo: you asked me once if I had told you everything about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it. I am old now Frodo. I'm not the same hobbit I once was. I think it is time for you to know what really happened.

It began long a land far away to the east the like of which you would not find in the world today. There was the city of Dale. Its markets known far and wide. Full of the bounties of vine and vale. Peaceful and prosperous. For this city lay before the doors of the greatest kingdom in Middle-earth: Erebor. Stronghold of Thror, King Under the Mountain. Mightiest of the Dwarf Lords. Thror ruled with utter surety never doubting his house would endure for his line lay secure in the lives of his son, and grandson.

Ah, Frodo. Erebor. Built deep within the mountain itself the beauty of this fortress city was legend. Its wealth lay in the earth in precious gems hewn from rock and in great seams of gold running like rivers through stone. The skills of the Dwarves was unequaled fashioning objects of great beauty, out of diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire. Ever they delved deeper, down into the dark. And that is where they found it. The heart of the Mountain. The Arkenstone. Thror named it the "The King's Jewel."

He took it as a sign, that his right to rule was divine. All would pay homage to him. Even the great Elven King, Thranduil and his beautiful Daughter Aaralyn. But the years of peace and plenty were not to last. Slowly the days turned sour and the watchful nights closed in. Thror's love of gold had grown too fierce. A sickness had begun to grow within him. It was a sickness of the mind. And where sickness thrives, all bad things will follow. The first they heard was a noise like a hurricane coming down from the North.

The pines on the mountain creaked and cracked in the hot, dry wind. He was a fire drake from the North. Smaug had come. Such wanton death was dealt that day. For this city of Men was nothing to Smaug. His eye was set on another prize. For dragons covet gold with a dark and fiery desire. Erebor was lost. For a dragon will guard his plunder as long as he lives. And Thranduil would not risk the lives of his kin against the wrath of the dragon. No help came from the Elves that day nor any day since.

Robbed of their homeland the Dwarves of Erebor wandered the wilderness a once mighty people brought low. The young Dwarf prince took work where he could find it laboring in the villages of Men. But always he remembered the mountain smoke beneath the moon the trees torches blazing bright. For he had seen dragon fire in the sky and a city turn to ash. And he never forgave, and he never forgot.

That, my dear Frodo, is where I come in. for, quite by chance and the will of a Wizard fate decided I would become part of this tale. It began, well, it began as you might expect. In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole full of worms and oozy smells. This is a hobbit hole. And that means good food, a warm hearth and all the comforts of home. Oh Gandalf, He doesn't approve of being late. Oh, no. not that I ever was. In those day, I was always on time. I was entirely respectable. And nothing unexpected ever happened.

Sixty years earlier...

It was a nice morning, and I was out in my garden with my pipe, enjoying the morning sun, and as I blew a smoke ring, I closed my eyes to saver the taste of my old Toby Tabaco. When suddenly someone screamed and tumbled off my roof and landed on my stairs. I jumped up in fright and then when I calmed down to see what it was, or who it was as it turns out this person got stuck in my laundry and was wrapped up in one of my bed sheets so I couldn't properly tell if it was a man or woman.

When I was close enough to pull away the sheet, I found not only a woman but an elf. And boy was she beautiful, her long raven hair was styled the way most elves have it long and lots of braids. But one of her braids held a silver bead, with hourglass shapes and waves through it, it was eye catching and well crafted. "Ugh...okay, that really hurt..." I was so caught up in the works of her hair piece that I didn't notice her waking up. "Um...miss are you okay?" I asked my voice came out in a squeak, so I cleared it and asked again. "Sorry did you hurt yourself?" she got to her feet completely towering over me.

"Sorry to land on your front yard like that Mr..." she said taking off my sheet and folding it like it was but a child's bed sheet. "Baggins, Bilbo Baggins...miss...?" she smiled and knelt down to shake my hand, "I am Aaralyn, and it is nice to meet you Bilbo." After releasing my hand, she stood up and put my sheet on my garden bench, and stood before me again, then an idea hit me, "Miss Aaralyn would you like some tea?" she smiled "no I'm fine but I would like to wash up and get some rest I've been traveling for some time now and I haven't the chance or time to." I nodded and walked up my stairs to my big green door.

But I stopped and turned back to her, "um... how would you fit my house is a bit small for you." "I've got that covered." She said smilingly, then when I opened the door for her, she walked passed me and was only two inches shorter than me but her clothing were still the same size as her elf body, "I might have some old clothing you could borrow." When I closed the door behind us, I lead her to the bathroom "I'll get the clothing and leave them in a basket for you outside the door." She lightly tapped her chest over her heart and tilted her head which I figured meant as a gesture of thanks.

After closing the door, I went to get some of my mother's old clothing, as dug around I found a white dress with long billowy sleeves that flared at the wrist, so I put it aside for Aaralyn, next I found her blue and black over skirt. The blue part would stop just above her toes and the black was a little higher, I also I found her bodice it was the same blue as the bottom skirt. Now that I found clothing I did as I said I would and left it for her, then I went back outside to smoke my pipe.

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