Chapter 19: The Panther's Arrival

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Felux and Delrik passed through the trees. They were getting close. They could already hear the sounds of the town. Felux picked up the last bead a few paces ago. It wouldn't be long now.

Without warning the trees opened up to reveal the outskirts of Carneth, the busy trade city.

Delrik said, "We've arrived."

Felux said, "Not too late I hope."


Cosaria, Tilda and Pamtha had just finished lunch and were sitting in a gazebo near the Carneth church grounds. They were finishing their meal with lovely cups of tea. Tilda was nodding off to sleep while Pamtha and Cosaria chatted away.

Pamtha said, "Your mother was the most wonderful of priestesses. Her divine powers were greater than anything I'd ever seen."

Cosaria said, "I didn't know mother had friends."

Pamtha said, "And I didn't know she had a daughter. That must have been why she left Carneth so mysteriously. We hadn't heard from her in so long and then we received the news, she was dead. That was a bad day."

"I was raised by mother in a small community until she died. That's when my father, Baron Baxarte, took me in."

Pamtha was very active with her hands when she spoke, "Your father? Baron Baxarte? Ha! Not likely. He was certainly in love with Seredith but she... well... huh... I don't quite know. I thought she was smarter than to be in love with a man like him. Maybe I was wrong."

Pamtha remembered the courting attempts the married man had tried in order to seduce Seredith. She often snubbed him but there were occasions when she did entertain his presence. Pamtha never understood why. Maybe she liked the attention.

Pamtha shrugged her thoughts away as Tilda's head lay asleep on the table.

Pamtha asked, "Do you know how she died?"

Cosaria said, "She got sick. That's all anyone told me."

Pamtha said, "Mysterious indeed."

Just then, a hooded figure clamored through the nearby bushes.

"Nobody panic, but I'm here to end this little reunion," Ferris said as he threatened the table with a raised sword.

Cosaria started trembling as Pamtha poked at Tilda, saying, "Tilda, wake up."

Tilda blinked her eyes open and raised her head only to find a sword being shoved in her face.

Ferris said, "The blonde one is coming with me."

"Are you serious?" Tilda said, still waking up, "We just came out of a dangerous scenario."

Ferris said, "I won't lose my prize."

Pamtha said, "The panther is coming."

"What?" Tilda said. She couldn't tell if Pamtha had actually said that or if she was still half asleep. It didn't help that everyone else just ignored Pamtha's comment.

Ferris commanded Cosaria, saying, "Get up."

Cosaria stood up.

Pamtha verified reality when she said, "I saw it in my dream. A panther."

Tilda realized the urgency of the situation.

Ferris finally acknowledged Pamtha, saying, "Crazy bat."

Tilda threw a plate at Ferris as she yelled, "Run Lady Cosaria!"

Cosaria turned to run but Ferris, who had dodged the plate, grabbed Cosaria's hair and pointed his sword at Tilda.

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