Goodbye... For now

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The trio had there lunch and began making there way back to Marks house, when they were approaching the house they stopped outside the gate of Marks house to talk
Mark: How's the car
Chase: Incredible, and it's rapid
Mark: Yeah, that's the supercharger putting in work
Chase: Yeah, Hey Hudson, how's the GT2
Hudson: Oh, this thing just feels like it wants to kill me (he said and they all chuckled at that statement
Chase: Well to be fair you did get a tuned GT2 RS and not a stock GT2 RS, and it's got a Manthey kit
Hudson: Hey, the guy gave me an offer on the car that I just couldn't refuse (he said while looking at the car)
Chase: But would you take this over the Pista (he asked with a smirk and Hudson thought for a second)
Hudson: Ok you can't make me pick only one of those two, both of them are perfect
Chase: That is true, I can agree with that
*They trio talked for a bit until Chase had to go*
Chase: Alright, well I best get going, we've gotta get back to Adventure Bay
Mark: Can't stay any longer?
Chase: I wish I could, but we've still got a job to do
Mark: Damn, that sucks
Chase: Yeah, I thought this drama would've ended here but nope, still got one more guy to catch
Hudson: Hey Chase
Chase: Yeah
Hudson: You gotta let me know when all this drama your fixing is over, I'll bring Mark back to Adventure Bay and we can show him around
Chase: That's not a bad idea
Mark: I'd be honoured
Chase: But right now I gotta figure out how to book and catch a flight on the same day
Mark: There's no need for that
Chase: What do you mean
Mark: I got a guy that I hired to fly a plane, if you want I can get him to fly you guys back
Chase: Are you sure
Mark: Why not, plus he flies a C17 so you all can bring your cars back with you
Chase: What would I do without you (he said and they all laughed at that statement)
Mark: Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now (he said as he went down to Chase's level and reached his arm out for a handshake)
Chase: I guess so, and thanks (Chase said as he responded to the gesture by reaching his paw out and shaked Marks hand)
Mark: Anytime man
Chase: And Hudson
Hudson: Yeah
Chase: Watch your your expenses, it's not healthy to buy exotic cars every couple days (he said jokingly and they all chuckled)
Hudson: No promise's (he replied with a chuckle)
Chase: Alright, see you guys soon (he greeted while getting into the car, he started the car and sped off while Hudson and Mark watched and listened as the sound of the 900 horsepower supercharged V8 got quieter as Chase kept on flooring it on the way to the safe house)

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