Get A Hold Of Him

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Meanwhile with Chase and Rex:
They had found a good stretch of road but the cops were still chasing them, they managed to take out some of the cops but there was still 5 more cops left
Chase: We doing good, we just gotta keep this up and we'll be alright
Rex: I hope so, these guys ain't getting off our tail
*Two of the cops overtook Chase and Rex and an attempt to break check them, Chase attempted to pit manoeuvre one of the cops in front of him, he managed to do it but it slowed him down allowing one of the cops behind him to slam into the back of Chase's car, this did also take out the cop behind him but now Chase's car was damaged really bad
Rex: Hey you alright, that guy hit you really hard
Chase: He dented the back of my car, and it feels like my alignment is messed up
*Chase was struggling to escape especially now that his car had been damaged pretty badly and the cops were catching up. Just then Chase saw one of the cops spin out in his rear view mirror and then he saw a pink F82 M4 coming up next to him, when it came up next to him and Chase looked at the driver he smiled, it was Skye

 Just then Chase saw one of the cops spin out in his rear view mirror and then he saw a pink F82 M4 coming up next to him, when it came up next to him and Chase looked at the driver he smiled, it was Skye

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Skye: You ok
Chase: Just about yeah, care to help us with these last 2 cops
Skye: Gladly (she said she slowed down to brake check the cop. The cop swerved to the side but he swerved to the right where the other cop was causing them to hit each and completely take each other out)
Rex: Thanks for the back up
Skye: Anytime, you guys got real lucky there
Chase: Yeah, thanks to you coming to save us (he said with relief in his voice which made her giggle slightly)
Scene 2:
The rest of the pups were at the safe house waiting for Skye to return with Chase and Rex but they were all just chatting in order to pass the time
Rubble: So if you could pick an choose to be given one of these 2 cars, what are you guys taking
Marshall: Probably the Bugatti
Everest: The Bugatti
Liberty: I quite like the aero parts on the F1
Zuma: The F1 probably
Ryder: They're both really good cars it's hard to choose one
Rubble: Yeah that's true
*Then Skye's car drove into the safe house along with Chase and Rex's car following behind, all three of them got out of there cars and went up to the other pups*
Ryder: You guys did (he said with some sense of relief in his voice)
Chase: All thanks to this wonderful pup standing right next to me (he said as he looked at Skye as she leaned against Chase)
Rubble: So that's it right, we got the cars
Liberty: We've just gotta give it to this guy that we did it for
Chase: Yeah, I just gotta get a hold of him
Marshall: So are you gonna do about glue car, it looks kinda, how do I put this
Chase: Oh don't you worry about that, I've got something else coming. Now I'm gonna try and get a hold of this guy real quick so you guys sit tight (he said as he went into a different room to call the guy)

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