Im Sorry

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Time Skip:
Chase was pulling up to the safe house, he decided to keep the car parked outside so that he wouldn't make a noise trying to park it inside the building, he got out the car and left his equipment in the boot but he didn't take off his bullet proof vest, his attention was caught when he noticed that one of the lights inside the building was on
Chase: That's strange, why is that light still on, I'll turn it off when I get inside
He decided to enter through one of the front doors, he slowly and quietly opened the door, he peeked his head in to see if the coast was clear, he didn't see anyone and quietly entered but when he turned around and closed the door the lights turned on, he stood as still as a statue before he heard a voice behind him
Ryder: What are you doing (he said with a suspecting tone)
Chase: I see you guys are up kinda early (he said before turning around to face everyone)
Rubble: Kinda? It's 2:17 a.m (he said with a serious tone)
Marshall: What could possible make you go out this late
Chase: Wanting to go for a drive, it's late so there's little to no traffic
Marshall: Going out?
Chase: Yeah
Marshall: For a drive?
Chase: Yeah
Marshall: Wearing a bullet proof police vest
Chase: Chase went silent and slightly put his head down when Marshall pointed out the fact that he was wearing a police vest
Liberty: Chase? (She questioned with a curious tone and Chase looked up at her)
Liberty: Where did you go
Marshall: I don't care about where he went I wanna know what he needed a bullet proof vest for (he said starting to raise his voice)
Zuma: Dude Chill, just let him explain himself (he said as they all looked at Chase but Ryder, Rubble and Marshall glared at him angrily)
Chase: I just had to go take care of something
Rubble: Like what
Chase: Nothing important
Marshall: Oh no when you say something isn't important then it is, what did you do
Chase: Why do you care so much (he questioned and then Marshall realised something)
Marshall: This has something to do with you talking to that Mark guy doesn't it (he questioned)
Chase: Yes Marshall it does, no just let me go sle- (he wanted to walk to his room but Marshall stopped and pushed him back to where he standing by the door
Marshall: Oh no you don't, tell us what happened
Chase: Why do you want to know so badly
Rubble: Because you lied to him, you lied to all of us, you said that Mark was just checking up on you but clearly we're missing the bigger picture
Marshall: And your gonna paint us that picture, Now tell us what happened
Chase was getting frustrated and just decided to explain to them
Chase: Fine you wanna know so badly then I'll tell, I asked Mark if he can watch over me and help me with finding someone
Marshall: Who, who could be so important to find that you get up at midnight to go and look for him (he said still keeping his glare. Chase then showed them Trevor's pup tag like device by throwing it on the the floor in front of them)
Ryder: What is that, and why does it have a blood stain on it
Marshall: Not just any blood stain, a fresh blood stain (he said while inspecting it and then looking back at Chase)
Chase: It belonged to that pup that was working with Claw, and if your wondering, the guns I used are in the trunk of my car, now just let me go to bed (he said with a frustrated look and began walking to his room, all the pups watched him walk into his room but they were slightly confused at that statement he said to them
Everest: The guns he used are in his car, what was that supposed t- (she stopped her sentence when she realised what he meant)
The rest of the pups: What (they all questioned but then they soon also realised what he meant)
Liberty: Do you guys think he
Zuma: I think he did
Marshall: He lied to us (he said completely ignoring what Chase said and what he meant. The pups were shocked but didn't want to discuss it now as it was late and they were all tired and decided to go to bed and discuss it in the morning, all the pups went to there rooms and the last one left in the main room was Skye, she looked at the entrance to Chase's room and decided to go to it, she quietly walked and saw him laying in his dog bed, she couldn't tell if he was awake or if he was sleeping
Skye: Chase, are you-
Chase: Awake (he said finishing her sentence)
Skye: Can I talk to you quickly (she asked and Chase got up from his bed and walked up to her)
Skye: Why did you... you know
Chase: *sighs* I wanted to get revenge for Rex, Even though it wasn't Trevor that hurt him, I thought I'd show Claw what I'd do to those close to him if he hurt anyone close to me
Skye: But why didn't you just say that you wanted to do that when Marshall was suspecting you, why did you lie (she said with her voice cracking and it sounded like she almost wanted to cry)
Chase: I didn't want you guys to worry and be concerned about me
Skye: But I was worried, I woke up to Ryder talking to the pups telling them you weren't here, I grew anxious because you weren't here *sob* and you never said anything before you left and I was just so worried about you (she said as her voice continued to break and some small tears escaped through her magenta eyes. Chase immediately pulled her in for a hug and she immediately accepted the embrace
Chase: It's ok, I'm right here, I'm not leaving you (he said with a soothing voice while stroking the top of her head with his paw)
Skye: Please don't lie to me like that again
Chase: I won't, I promise (he said before they separated and Chase held her chin and gave her a gentle kiss before staring into her eyes)
Chase: I'm sorry (he said and she lightly smiled)
Chase: Cmon, let's get to bed (he said and they both got into the dog bed and soon they both fell asleep)

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