Port Hercule

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A couple of months have passed since I reached out to Charles in worry after he crashed. We've been chatting on and off.

But It's only been on and off because of me. I haven't been consistent with my replies. He was. He'd reply fairly quickly after I said something but I found myself leaving him on delivered first for a couple of hours, sometimes days.

It was nothing against him really. I just didn't want anymore trouble from Alice. I've had enough of her and truly I didn't ever wanna encounter with her again, for as long as I can stay away from her anyway.

Charles suggested up meeting up for coffee multiple times but every time I came up with an excuse. I don't know why I lied to him but I just felt like I had to.

It was now Mid November so the weather was becoming so much cooler. I finish brushing my teeth and leave the bathroom walking toward my favourite window in my house. The one that overlooked all of Monaco.

No matter how many times I look out of it I can never get over the beauty. As I admired the outdoor views from my window my phone starts to ring. Who would call at this hour, It's quite early.

I walk toward my bedside table to pick up my phone and see who it was. It was Lando calling on Facetime.

I answer as I walk to my vanity to start my makeup.

"VICTORIA I GOT INTO FORMULA ONE!!!" was screamed at me through the phone as I leaned my phone up against the mirror.

"Oh my goodness Lando congratulations! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!! Oh my god" I said smiling for Lando's achievement looking at my phone seeing him full of joy and happiness.

"Victoria I'm in complete shock. It all happened so fast. I'm going to start in the 2019 season for MCLAREN. YEAH. MCLAREN" he exclaimed proudly "MHM AND, AND MY TEAMMATE IS GUESS WHO"

"Who??" I laughed


"Lando I haven't a clue who that is" I laughed putting on mascara in my vanity mirror.

"He's a cool dude, that's all you gotta know"

"No no seriously Lando, in all seriousness this is such good news. I'm so incredibly proud of you. You don't even understand how proud I am. I'm so so happy for you" I smiled widely looking at him through the phone.

"I'm so proud of you" I whispered smiling at the phone hoping he wouldn't hear

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"I'm so proud of you" I whispered smiling at the phone hoping he wouldn't hear.

"awhhhhh, you're gonna make me cry Victoria" Lando awed smiling at me through the phone.

We talk on the phone for another while by the time we finished I had my makeup finished, my hair finished and I was dressed for my run. I just wore gym leggings and a gym crop top and a zip up hoodie around my waist.

I grabbed my apple watch, put it on and left for my run.

I jogged and ran up to my spot that once again overlooked Monaco. The one previously mentioned. My house overlooks Monaco but this local path is even higher up and its even prettier.

Do you love me? - Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now