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May 2012

Its almost been a month since Charles broke up with me in the school hallway. I was supposed to go to Marija and tell her, but I haven't had the energy.

I really should go and tell her. She's been blowing up my phone with texts asking why I aren't in school. This whole month just flew by in the blink of an eye.

I missed a whole month of school.

I've barely left my bedroom other than to the bathroom, I've completely lost my appetite. I stopped eating regularly. My mother would bring a plate of food and a 2L bottle of water and leave it outside my door.

Sometimes i'd take it, sometimes I wouldn't even open the door to see what it was.

She tried asking me what happened and why I'm not going to school but I completely lost it on her. I felt bad about it later since she hasn't done anything wrong but I couldn't bring myself to leave my room, go downstairs and apologise.

My body physicially couldn't move.

A few days pass and I decide to get out of bed and go explain myself to Marija.

I sit at my vanity and look at myself.

God.... I look awful

I go to take a long shower, I do my hair, makeup just eyebrows and eyelashes, Im not much of a makeup girl so that's all I ever did.

I take a deep breath before walking out of my bedroom. Slowly walking down to stairs as I see my mother watching me walk down. ''You came out sweetheart, come here please'' She said standing up off her seat and taking a few steps toward me.

I sigh silently to myself and walk over to her into the kitchen. ''Please, eat this'' She pleaded with a normalish portion of carbonara in a fancy bowl. ''Please'' She repeated. I agree and take a few bites of food before finishing with it

''Thank you Mama'' I smile walking away from the table pushing my chair in. She didn't say anything just smiled. I put my runners on and walk out the door.

The weather was really sunny today. Monaco has the best weather I think. I love it. I wore shorts and a simple shirt most of the time.

The bus stop was just a quick walk. Marija lived 15-20 minutes by car from me so to get there I had to take the bus. When I was younger my dad used to take me in his car but he cant anymore since..

The bus arrived in about 3 minutes and I get onto it. I sit as far away from everyone as I could. But to my surprise who gets on the bus?


With a grin from ear to ear as she walks towards me.

''Victoria! Victoria Roux! So nice to see you! How've you been? Heartbroken?? I bet. I couldn't imagine being broken up with just for the guy to go to another girl the next second. Must be sooooo awful!'' She said abruptly as she threw herself to the seat beside me smirking.

''What are you talking about??'' I questioned with a puzzled look referring to the second part of her statement.

''Don't act stupid'' She rolled her eyes. ''Charles left you for me you idiot. He told me how you just weren't what you used to be and you were boring. And honestly, I get it. Look at yourself'' She chuckled looking away then looking me up and down. ''Have some class, I see why he got bored.''

Before I knew it, we were at my stop. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. The same as when Charles broke up with me. I couldn't get any words out so I just left the bus as fast as I could. I could hear Alice laughing as I was leaving.

5 minutes later I arrive at Marija's house and she opens the door to me in absolute bits. Mascara running down my cheeks. I was a mess.

Why did she have to say that?? Did I really bore Charles??

We go upstairs into her room and I throw myself onto her bed. Luckily Marija's parents weren't home,  I wouldn't wanna be explaining this to them. Her little brother was though, but I didn't mind. He's only a year younger than me. We actually got along pretty well.

I explain everything that happened with Charles and I last month then what happened on the bus before I arrived here.

As I finish explaining I notice Marija's brother was also there listening sat on the ground.

I didn't even notice him coming into the room. He was still in his racing clothes. (picture at the very top)

''Im speechless Victoria, I don't know what to say'' She said take a deep breath and leaning back in her chair.

''When I see him on the track next I'm going to beat his ass.'' Lando expressed standing up with his helment in hand. ''You're not even in the same league as him step down Lando'' Marija rolled her eyes at her little brother.

''I'll figure it out!'' I giggled at Lando's claim as he left the room.

''But no seriously, you have to start going back to school. Rotting in your bedroom crying isn't going to help, as much as it feels like it will. And also you cant avoid Charles forever. Just ignore him in the hallways. Thank god he's a year older and in the year above, he isn't in any of our classes so that's manageable, right?? Just the hallways we need to work on'' Marija said now sitting beside me on her bed rubbing my shoulder gently.

''Yeah... I'll try''

''Perfect! Now let's go for a walk, shall we??''

I told her everything apart from one thing Alice said.

Charles left you for me

i kept replaying that sentence in my head.

He told me he hated her. So many times. It makes no sense i'm so lost.


I wrote this right as i woke up because i couldn't wait. I hope you guys liked it! I think the next part we'll move to 2016 but i'm not sure, we'll see. i might post it today since i'm on the roll and i don't have school or college <:

I also made a tiktok! the username is - nicolef138

I'm going to be changing that username when tiktok lets me🥲 same with the nickname so ignore that for now. I posted one tiktok so far so please check it out!! Thank you <33

words : 1105

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