Chapter 3

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   It was nightfall, the dark sky harboured the bright stars, the moon was shining brightly, giving light to the earth, owls were hooting in a distance, the trees whispering to one another and the cold breeze biting my skin.
   It was impossible for anyone to go through this forest by nightfall but i knew this forest too well. I remember peter and I used to play hide and seek in this forest, i will always hide and he seeks, there was this one time, i was hiding im the forest and wondered off, i found a hatch in the middle of the Forest, i opened it and discovered it was an underground tunnel, i closed back the hatch and never went there again. My childhood house, where daddy and i lived was located deep in this forest, daddy said never to tell anyone the location of the house and i never did, i was going there, though I didn't know what i would find but i hoped for clues.
  Daddy had messed up some stuffs, he wouldn't tell me but i knew some things, i saw him do some really bad things and I've heard him say something, I asked him about it once and he said i should never mention it again, things didn't make sense, everything was like a whole!e big jigsaw puzzle, so!e parts were missing and i had to find them and solve the puzzle. In my mind i later down the few pieces of the puzzle i had, it still didn't make any sense.
As I approached the porch of my childhood house, memories came back, images of how dad and i fked the house ten years ago flashed through my brain.....
  I was seven, dad had always called me a fighter, he said i was brave and not a coward, he believed i was dauntless and so did i. Dad had gone out that Saturday for some important work, i was home alone, i always loved being home alone cause i enjoyed the company of myself. I couldn't live a normal life like normal kids, i was home schooled and i never went out of the forest, dad had alot of enemies so we were always hiding. I went into dads bedroom to play and that was when i found this crack in the floor, i slipped my hand through the crack , then i slid the lid sideways, i found stairs leading down. Out of curiosity i climbed the stairs, when i reached the bottom, it was dark, i searched for the light switch but i couldn't find one, all i could see was a golden ray of  light, i followed the light, it was getting brighter, just as i inched closer to seeing the full light, i felt a sharp pain below, i looked down to see a spear in my stomach, i didn't know how i was supposed to feel or what i was supposed to do, but i knew i was dying, how i was going to save myself, i didn't know all i could think about was the spear and the blood that was gushing out. I pulled out the spear with all the strength i had left, i cried out in pain and started going back the way i came, i searched for the stairs in vain, it was too dark to see anything, i thought i was going to die there but somehow daddy found me and he gave me treatment, then he said we had to leave, he said we were going home but that didn't happen.
         The house was in good shape though, the rocky red paint was peeling off the walls, the potted flowers were growing wild out of their pots, they needed to be treamed, the walkway was covered in dry leaves and they crunched beneath my boots as i walked to the front porch. I tilted the door knob, it was locked. I expected that. Dad always kept an extra key inside the flower pots, he buried it in the sand, i hoped it was still there. I spotted the flower pot and got my hands dirty while digging, after a while i fond the key.
I opened the front door, i was welcomed by the smell of dust, i stepped inside, carefully scanning the living room, the coffee table was covered in complete dust, dads reading desk didn't look any different, the orchid plant was dead and the dry stems were covered in cobwebs, the whole house was a complete mess. I heard the front door creak and it was then i knew i was being followed, I turned off the flash light and tip toed to the front door, i didn't find anyone there, i heard footsteps in the kitchen, i picked up a baseball bat that was lying on the floor and held it thought in my hands, i carefully opened the kitchen door , i saw a male figure, before i could hit the bat on his head, he held my hand and kicked the bat out of my hand.
" stop " he said pointing the flashlight to his face
" its just me "

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