Sebastien Chapter Nineteen

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"Follow my lead." Antonio's shoulders straightened as he took on the responsibility as the head of our convoy.

Before we even stepped out of the cover of the trees, Nick shook his hair out to give a fuller, luscious appearance and attempted to smooth his trim goatee. I took the back position of our line, all senses altered to the tiniest threat. Prospero could be anywhere in this land and I was ready to face him. Feeling the new familiar weight of my hidden dagger, I had evolved from shipwrecked noble's son to man hunting his frail prey. By tonight, Viola's murder would be avenged and her peaceful rest could start.

"Halt," one of the guards commanded. "Declare yourselves."

Instantly, we bent to bow before the fairies, as Antonio and Nick had shown me. Knowing that from the moment they see us, our etiquette would be analysed. Manners were valued higher than one's heritage, as it was with Father and his standards. A sense of ease relaxed my stiffened core, knowing the typical and universal charade of social expectation.

"What is your business at the palace?" The guard was closer now, no footsteps tapped or crunched the forest floor. Black ink patterns peeked through their armour and the exposed skin on their hands. It was odd to see the lack of resemblance between Antonio and the fae guard.

On a nod from Antonio, Nick and I stood out of our bow and respectfully waited, meeting the eyes of the guard questioning us. "I am Antonio, escorting Nicolas the weaver and his apprentice from the town. He has an appointment inside the palace with one of the courtiers." Antonio lowered his eyes once more, awaiting their decision.

"Your client?" the guard addressed Nick.

"Robin Goodfellow."

The guard's eyes widened at the recognition of the name. "You may enter." The guard stood out of our way and waved to notify the other guards on the other side of the vine wall. We had clearance.

Feeding off the excitement that brewed in my stomach, we made our way through the forest vine barrier. The music tickled my ears first, light, airy. Bells of twinkle delights and stringed ballads played harmoniously in the distance.

Walking through the ruling nature of the gardens, controlled chaos came to mind to the designing of the palace gardens. Various colours of flowers bloomed, intertwined with oaks and ferns from ancient to youthful branches. Each step brought new scents to overwhelm my nose, yet I never cringed at how intense it was. The fairy gardens were an intoxication like no spirit or ale could provide. It was the buzz of magic. No guard disturbed our journey and soon we made it to the long, low steps to a marbled courtyard that led to the palace outshining all-natural splendour. Crystal and carved stone structures alike enshrined the courtyard in various sapphire columns. More precious stone formations grew to shape Oberon's palace. Various gems of pure mineral glittered in the fading sunlight, the free-range vines of various roses spun and climbed the tallest wall of crystal pillars and stone walls. Above, the single treetop of a giant oak dominated its roof, each branch decorated by shimmering fabrics. There was nowhere of more wealth than the land of the fae. The music continued to rise louder to block out the sound of my feverish heart. The palace walls were interrupted in their formation by pristine, clear windows. Easily as high as a townhouse and dominant to letting as much light as possible into this structural wonder of nature. Hesitantly, Antonio pressed against one of the windows and its small section, big enough to fit us in, opened for our entry.

The large ceremony chamber was grand to say the least. Polished pearl tile dominated all other gemstones in this room; flowers sprang from all corners, arching to reach the ceiling and smaller trees wildly grew as they pleased alongside the oak, its base in plain open view. Where pearl wasn't lain for flooring, a soft moss acted in the place of a carpet. In the centre of the ceremonial chamber hung the chandelier: a hybrid of red roses and diamonds combined. Though its texture was that of an ordinary rose, its petal flesh twinkled with its diamond armour and the scent won against all others.

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