Viola Chapter Eight

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"Is it true? That the doors are unlocked." I needed to know if it was too good to be true. Injured or not, I was getting out of this castle tonight.

"Yes, of course. The exits are all unlocked, even a simpleton can open them," Iago said as he made way to the main stairs leading out of the Grand Hall.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, trying to keep the worry out of my voice. Each step branded my injured leg.

Iago grumbled, attempting to hide his own limp, yet the multiple stumbles gave him away. "I'm showing you why there are no locks keeping the humans inside. The vampires want willing servants, I'm told forced servitude sours the blood."

Passing through the doors and out to the snowed courtyard of the castle, footsteps trailed of the four human men and their vampire escort. Even from this distance I recognised the criminal that spoke out earlier. They were making their way to the open drawbridge. White lanterns dotted around the keep's walls, providing enough light that I could make out the snowy field and the edge of the forest line. A black night awaited them. The town was easily identifiable. The amber light on the land flashed through the thick forest. My eyes focused in on the numerous shadows within the natural fortification. Silhouettes darted about from tree to tree. In each shadow, movement kept catching my eye, along with flashes of eyes. Shivers raced along my spine. Instinct compelled me to run. Even behind a few tons of stone, I didn't feel safe. Iago led the way towards the group as the vampire finished showing the humans a map of the land.

The vampire rolled up the map and gave the four human men a nod to go, and a heartbeat later they sprinted out of the castle grounds. Glancing briefly at me, her steely gaze landed on my escort. "This one leaving too?" She frowned at Iago.

Iago shook his head. "No, giving this one an education, my dear Lady Regan. Only four tonight?"

Regan nodded, plaits swaying in the winter breeze. "Four. Not enough to satisfy them." Iago rumbled in agreement with her.

"Satisfy who?" I couldn't hold my words to ask the obvious.

Iago looked at me and smiled coldly. "Wait and see."

Running along the snowy blanket, steadily descending, the four men made their escape. No doubt they could see the town's lanterns glinting along the horizon's edge. Humanity was so close. They were heading straight for the woods. Their one option, it was the slimmest part to get to the town quicker. They were mere yards from entering the edge of the forest, until an ambush of bodies pounced on them. Making less noise than falling snow, about a dozen pale vampires descended on them, meeting them in the frozen forest edge. Though twilight dulled the colour, I knew the smudged impurities on the once virgin snow was blood. The men were so exhausted from their sprint that they didn't even scream.

"That's why the doors are unlocked," I broke the eery silence, physically acknowledging what my eyes had just witnessed. The shock of such loss of life numbed me to the immediate surroundings.

One pale vampire crept a step closer, to the edge of a thick split branch, an almost perfect ledge to spy on the keep. From my view, I could make out their heavy breathing, as if hunting for a scent that they could not yet see. No mist escaped their body, though their frozen gaze did watch their kin feast. Finally, their eyes locked on to mine. My heartbeat quickened, calling to their parched instincts. I quickly broke eye contact to find cover behind Iago. There was too much distance to spot any key features, but I would never forget those eyes. Dark and wild. Their famine had driven them mad. Escape from the castle would be suicide.

"Shame." Regan smirked. "One smelt half decent."

"There are plenty more inside, My Lady," Iago reminded her politely.

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