Chapter 3: The Mini Worlds

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A blue light appeared.
The girls gasped in shock and squinted at the brightness of the light.
"Hello, girls," a voice said.
"Arcadia!" the girls gasped.
"The mini worlds are in danger. Stoney's attack on nature is disturbing the balance of various worlds across the magical universe. However, these worlds can't be seen by the naked eye. In order for you girls to enter them, you must use the Enchantix power," Arcadia explained. Then,  turning to Electra, she said, "Electra, you have shown great maturity in proving you love winning more than you hate losing. You have fought against Valtor, waited patiently for the right time to strike, and you finally won your greatest battle: not just against Valtor, but against your own enemy of revenge. You now have complete Enchantix powers."
Electra gasped in delight. "Thank you so much, Arcadia!" she exclaimed.
"Wait," Flora interrupted. "You've had an incomplete Enchantix this whole time?"
"Yeah, because I was much too vengeful. I tried keeping it secret, but it's about time you girls know."
She started explaining.
"It all started a little while back. It was my first year at Alfea. After the witches (Icy, Stormy, and Darcy) stole my reserved energy magic and Bloom's dragon fire, I blew up and wanted revenge for what they did to Bloom and me. It wasn't long after that I finally gave them what they deserved. During my second year, I took a slight step back from vengeance when Aisha came around. After she was defeated by the Shadow Phoenix. I didn't want her to know about my vengeful side, but I wanted her to see that I would help her no matter what happens. I guess that's where I got that hatred of losing from." Electra laughed a little. "And after I got my Enchantix, I heard that Tecna was supposedly dead. I totally LOST it. Vengeance was calling Valtor by name! Instead of using magic against him, I used brute force. I am a black belt in magic karate, after all. But what the Headmistress said to me shocked me.
'Electra, I don't want to say this, but you have incomplete Enchantix powers,' she said.
'Wait, WHAT?' I asked in shock.
'You did save someone from Energy City, but what makes your Enchantix incomplete is because you are way too vengeful. You see, too much vengeance can make a fairy much more aggressive. Take Bloom for example. She is sometimes aggressive, but not because of her hatred of losing. She can be quite a hothead, but she also knows how to control herself. You, Electra, were raised to hate losing more than you love winning. You are naturally competitive, and that can be a good thing. But revenge isn't the answer.'
'I understand. But how can I earn complete Enchantix powers?'
"You have to change your perspective. You have to love winning more than you hate losing, and that involves waiting for the right time to strike.' (Lumna10 I added this into the story as a kind of flashback explaining why Electra had an incomplete Enchantix before this point in the story. You can add this into your story if you like.)
"After I graduated Alfea and joined you girls, I saw Aisha's boyfriend, Nabu, fighting the nemeses (see the Season 4 rewrite for more details on the nemeses). After he passed away, I sensed the anger rising within Aisha and knew what we had to do: pay them back. And that's what we did. I used physical force; Aisha used the Believix power, and we finally defeated the nemeses. Then there were the two recent missions. Battling Tritannus was a challenge, but we didn't quit. And the return of Valtor really pushed my buttons, but thanks to you girls, we finally gave him what he deserved, and now I have a totally new perspective on winning and losing. I love winning more than I hate losing. Sure, I'll have my moments of anger, but I developed a new technique for controlling it. When I feel angry after a defeat, I stop myself from being too aggressive, hum a little bit, and remember that patience is the key to victory."
Electra sighed after sharing her long explanation, then smiled.


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