chapter seven

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After about 15 minutes of trying to find something to wear I finally decided on a pair of cream loose shorts and a black crop top with nude heels and a gold necklace.

I then straightened my hair and did my usual makeup.

Once I was all done and ready I checked the time on my phone and it read 8:30 so I still had some time to spare.

I brushed my teeth and popped a piece of gum into my mouth just incase and decided against wearing lip stick just because.

Drying off my mouth after brushing my teeth I heard a ding come from my phone signaling I had a text.

Checking my phone I noticed it was Justin.

'You going to Stefan's party tonight?'

'I just might'

'See you there than 😏'

Laughing at his choice of emoji, I made my way down stairs to wait for Elena.

Once I heard a honk outside my door, i hopped up off the chair I was on and made my way outside.

Once I got in the car, we drove to the party listening to the radio and talking to each other here and there.

We got to the party and were hit with the smell of weed and alcohol.

I smiled and dragged Elena through the house to the bar.

Elena of course ended up leaving me to dance with Stefan and Damon. (tvd reference ;))

After having one drink after another I went out back to where a few people were.

I didn't feel like being in the party scene right now, so I just sat down on a blanket in the grass.

I started scrolling through twitter on my phone until I felt someone sit next to me.

I turned to see Justin, what a surprise, right?

"Helloooo Justin" my words came out a little weird due to the state I was in.

He smiled at me and offered me some of his blunt which of course I took.

"Cool party, huh?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that."

"You having a good time?"

"For the most part yeah, you?"

"Yeah, same here."

Me and Justin sat in a comfortable silence before he turned his body to face me.

"So, tell me about yourself."

"Well, what do you want to know?" I replied taking another hit.

"Hmm, lets see. Well I know the basics. You're a junior. I'm guessing you're seventeen?"

"Yeah seventeen."

"What do you do for fun?"

"I hang out with my friends, go to parties and such. Nothing too out of the ordinary."

"I see, I see. Well, whats one thing no one knows about you?"

"Hmm, invasive are we? Well, I honestly don't know. I'm an open book."

"Boooring." Justin said while making snoring noises which earned a shove from me.

The rest of the night me and Justin talked getting to know each other.

He insisted on taking me home since I was already drunk enough and he didn't want me to drink anymore while waiting on Elena.

He helped me walk up to my door.

"Thank you Justin." I said smiling then turned to walk in my door and stumbled doing so.

"Need help?" Justin asked chuckling.

"No I'm okay-" I almost fell before I could finish my sentence but Justin caught me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna help you anyway."

He picked me up bridal style and walked me up the stairs. I was laughing the entire time.

He set me down on the floor gently and I grabbed onto my wall and walked over to my closet so I could change into comfy clothes.

As soon as I found something I stripped myself of my clothes.

"Katherine-" Justin said turning around.

"You could've warned me." He continued.

"Don't act like you didn't like what you saw." I said confidently which caused him to turn around once I was fully clothes.

I sent a wink his way.

"Okay, Katherine lets get you to bed."

Justin said before she could flirt with him any further.

"Why don't you like me?" I whined while he helped me get into bed.

"I do, but I'm not taking advantage of you. Lets see if you still think these things tomorrow. And if you do, shoot me a text." Justin said while putting my blankets over me.

"Do you want your tv on?" He asked me.

"Yes please."

He turned my tv on then muttered an 'ill be right back' before disappearing down the stairs.

He came back with a water bottle and aspirin.

"Drink half of this." He ordered while handing me the water bottle.

"Yes sir." I said and saluted to him.

I did as told then laid back down.

He turned my light off and placed the medicine and the rest of the water on my night stand.

"Is there anything else you need?" He asked me

"No I'm okay thank you Justin." I mumbled sleepily with my eyes closed.

"Goodnight, beautiful." He whispered before walking out.

My brother's bestfriend. (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now