chapter six

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It's been about a week since that night all the boys were over, and I've done absolutely nothing except wake up, go
to school, go home, sleep, and repeat.

Ryan's had some friends over every now and then I just didn't care enough to actually go down stairs. Today is Friday and my parents are going on a business trip for like a month or so. They left this morning.

Getting out of bed, I got ready for the day, I did my morning routine, got dressed, grabbed my bag, keys, and phone and left.

Ryan wasn't home so he must have gotten a ride to school from someone.
Once I got to school I went straight to my locker to collect what I needed for the day.

Shutting my locker I made my way to my first class of the day.

Sitting in the back like I usually do, I went on my phone for a little while since my teacher wasn't here yet.

I felt a presence next to me so I looked up and saw Justin in all his glory sitting in the desk beside mine.

Acting like he wasn't there, I just went back to looking down at my phone.

"Well, hello to you too Katherine."

"Hey Justin" I replied still not looking up.

"Maybe if I texted you, you'd actually talk to me since you're on your phone all the time"

He said taking out his phone


"Well can you text me back sometime than?"

"I guess so"

He picked his phone up off of his desk and looked at me

I looked up at him as well.

Looking back down at my phone not waiting for him to reply he simply said

"I guess so."

After school was over I was so happy that I made it through another week.
I put all my books back in my locker and made my way to the parking lot.
Finding my car, I got in and made my way home.

I got home, and Ryan still wasn't home yet, I ignored it and went up stairs to my room and headed straight to the shower.

Stripping from my clothes I hopped in the shower and loved how the hot water felt on my skin.

And my mind started to drift to thinking about Justin.

I realized that I didn't want to just be 'Ryan's little sister'

I mean yes, I'm only a year younger than him but I feel like he's the kind of guy to still try and call me young.

So I decided maybe if I wasn't super nice he wouldn't think of me as an easy target.

Realizing I wasn't even washing myself, I pushed away the thoughts about Justin and continued to scrub my body and wash my hair.

Once I was finished I got out and dried off, wrapping myself and my hair in 2 towels I walked back into my room.

I checked my phone before I did anything else and saw that I had 3 missed calls.

One from Bonnie and two from Elena.

Dialing Elena's number I waited for her to answer.

"Katherine!!!!!" I pulled the phone away from my ear until she was done screaming.

"Damn Elena, what is it?"

"Damon and Stefan are having a party tonight, you have to come"

"Okay, okay. What time do you want me to be there?"

"Uh, I'll pick you up around 9, sound good?"

"Yeah that's fine"

"See you later baby"

"Bye bye my love" with that, I hung up the phone.

I looked at the time on my phone and it said 7:00, just enough time for me to get ready.

My brother's bestfriend. (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now