The Next Morning

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Everyone heads to bed and Fatima can't sleep she gets up and heads out the room. She walks downstairs to Robin office she turns on his lamp and looks thru his works folder.

Fatima: What the hell what are you doing cousin
(She logs on the computer)
Fatima: Gotcha you slime ball I should know
(She logs off the computer and puts everything back)
Andi:(walking down the stairs) Fatima
Fatima: Hey girl I was just going to get something to drink
Andi: Okay you okay?
Fatima: I am good you want join me
Andi: Sure
Fatima: So Andi
Andi: Yes
Fatima: Why did you marry my cousin so fast don't you have Gary on the other side?
Andi: We'll Gary is engaged
Fatima: Really that was fast
Andi: It was
Fatima: You good on that cause I know you don't really care about my cousin
Andi: Thats not true Fatima I adore Robin
Fatima: Andi I am a lawyer I told you always you don't know how to lie so who car is that really outside
Andi: I told you look you keep digging you might be the one coming up like Hayden (she walks away)
Fatima: Is that suppose to be a threat
(She goes back upstairs)
Zac: Where did you go
Fatima: Shhh (she gets in bed)
Zac: Fatima I'm not playing with you where we're you at?
Fatima: Will you please keep it down
Zac: I won't your hiding something from me
Fatima:( she leans in to kiss him) I am but I will tell you tomorrow now go to sleep
Zac: No
Fatima: Okay fine I know what you need (she pulls her dress off) You like my lingerie set
Zac: No I don't want have sex I want know why your hiding shit from me (she starts kissing on him) Fatima I'm not playing wihh you
Fatima: Neither am I (she pulls his dick out) Baby I got plans for me and you (she starts kissing and massaging her dick with her mouth)
Zac: Fatima get up
Fatima: (looks up at him) Do you want me to stop forreal?
Zac: No I mean Yesss Fatima we need (sheet starts sucking harder) Fatima shit damn Fuck right there

The next morning Fatima wakes up in Zac arms and she kisses him good morning.

Fatima: Good Morning come on we have to go back home I got a lot shit to do today
Zac: Okay I can call us a Uber
Fatima: A driver an Uber will be expensive and back to that club I need my phone
Zac: Okay (Fatima goes to use the bathroom)
Fatima:Zac baby come here
Zac: Coming what is it?
Fatima: I don't know baby I don't feel so good
Zac: Do I need call the ambulance
Fatima: Yeah (Fatima faints)

Later at the hospital Fatima awakes and sees Danni Andi and Angela and Zac.

Zac: You good baby?
Fatima: What happen?
Zac: You passed out
Andi: Yeah the doctor said you got dehydrated
Danni: You ain't been drinking water
Fatima: That's impossible I have what about the baby
Zac: He or she is fine but heavy on he is fine
Fatima: Okay good when can I leave
The doctor walks in

Doctor Chris: Hi Fatima I am Doctor Chris
Fatima: Hi can I go home 
Doctor Chris: Maybe tomorrow you need some rest your overly dehydrated and you are need to be on bed rest you and your baby are doing to much I don't want you to have a miscarriage
Zac: She will do that
Fatima: Zac
Zac: No baby I am putting my foot down the cases can wait
Fatima: Zac baby
Doctor Chris: Think of your pressure Ms. Wilson
Zac: She will Fatima I don't want do this but whatever the doctor say do you are gone do (he holds her hand) I want our baby and you
Fatima: Baby I am fine
Zac: Fatima this is not a debate thank you doctor
(He leaves out)
Andi: We need give them some space
Angela: Yeah we can do that girl we are just a call away and turns out we was half looking your phone was on the kitchen counter
Danni: I don't know where mine is but I'm order a new one and I will be in touch soon okay I love you Ti
Fatima: I love you too
Andi: I love you Fatima call me if you need me (they leave out and Fatima looks at Zac)
Zac: You and I are not talking about this
Fatima: Zac I think Andi is in on it too I found some papers in Robin off
Zac: Fatima just stop whoever killed Hayden and my mother it will have to wait until after the baby is born I can't lose you or my unborn child so let it go (he kisses her)
Fatima: Zac baby
Zac: Zac nothing I want is a family I want marry you and raise our baby it's life growing on the inside (he touches her stomach) I'm worried about you Fatima I can't lose you or our son or daughter I want you be Mrs. Taylor now I don't want wait any longer
Fatima: Zac baby
Zac: What baby (she grabs his hand)
Fatima: I love you too I want be your wife but I got a job to do and I can do both
Zac: No Fatima (he starts to cry) I don't want anything to happen to our future
Fatima: Okay baby I am sorry
Zac: You want show me how sorry
Fatima: Does the door lock
Zac: No let me see me tear that ass up
Fatima: You so nasty just like me (she kisses him. And pulls him on top) I can't wait until this baby drop I want another one

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