16. grief

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"the two share grief that only they would understand"

The room hums with a palpable tension as Sairah, along with the Sky People, convenes around a makeshift table. The air is thick with the weight of their collective concerns, and all eyes turn expectantly towards Clarke as she enters, the last wristband in hand. Placing it on the table, she looks at the group with a mix of determination and urgency.

"Niylah said we can work in here," Clarke states, her gaze shifting between Monty and Sinclair. "So how do we do this?"

Sinclair shares a look with Monty, who's examining the wristband, before sighing. "We think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP, which is freakishly brilliant."

Sairah rolls her eyes at the older man. "English, please."

Sinclair gives the girl a small apolegical smile before continuing. "A targeted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chips's circuitry." He looks at the wristband. "Uh, we could use this to send an EMP along Raven's own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, wire for external input and attach a battery."

Clarke interrupts the man, giving him a pointed look. "But what would that do to her?"

Sinclair sighs. "Uh, EMPs don't affect our bodies, but I don't know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain."

"This was Raven's plan," Bellamy says. "She wouldn't do it if it was gonna destroy her brain."

Octavia walks in with a stoic expression. "Depends on how bad she wanted it out."

"Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk," Sinclair mutters.

"Where do we get one?" Clarke asks with raised brows.

"The Ark," Sinclair exhales heavily. "Every station had a pulsed inductive thruster for maneuvering."

Bellamy dismisses the idea with a firm shake of his head. "Arkadia is out of the question. It's too dangerous, you heard them."

Sairah strides forward, her voice carrying an air of determination. "I can distract them while you do your thing," she declares, fixing her gaze on Sinclair.

Bellamy is, once again, swift to dismiss the idea. "No, don't even think about it."

Sairah gives the boy a defiant look. "I don't take orders from you."

"I don't care," Bellamy asserts, raising a brow. "You're not going."

Sairah disregards him and turns to Sinclair. "Your Chancellor is still there?" Sinclair nods. "Great, Arkadia it is."

"Sairah--" Bellamy opens his mouth, but is interrupted by Monty.

"We could use the Dropship." Monty looks up to find all eyes on him, waiting for him to explain. "It had PI thrusters just the Ark."

Sinclair nods. "That's good. Ok, i'll go salvage a magnet."

"Uh, no," Monty interrupts. "You should stay with Raven and figure out how this thing works." He looks back at the rest of the group. "I'll take the rover, be back by the time you finish the device."

"I'll go with you," Sairah and Octavia say simultaneously.

Clarke shakes her head at Sairah. "You should stay here with us. Without you, Niylah won't let us stay here."

Sairah looks at the girl, contemplating. After a few minutes, she nods. "Right."

Octavia glances at her before shifting her gaze to her brother, who opens his mouth to say something, but she stops him. "Don't," she mutters before walking out after Monty.

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