Chapter 9

221 4 0

"" DUEL!""


Lp: 4000, x5


Lp: 4000, x5

"Because I'm the guest here, I have the right to go first, right?" The mysterious teen asks the Blue-Eyes user as he draws the first 5 cards from his deck.

Based on his appearance only, he must be from the same year as Y/N and his friend, but he can't recall even once he has seen this face. Sure, he isn't the most social type, but his job requires him to hack into the Academia system a lot, including the enrolled student list, their basic information, and things like that, but never once did his file appear inside the system.

"With this deck that the professor gives me, there's no way I'm gonna lose here"

"Spell card activate, Branded Fusion!"

"Branded Fusion!?" Y/N shouts with an absolute terror expression on his face, earning a mocking laugh from his opponent

"I'm pretty sure that you know how this card works, so I don't need to introduce it to you, do I?" He smirks "I will send Fallen of Albaz and Omni Dragon Brotaur to fusion summon!"

"The god of flame born from the greed of a corrupted empire, rising from the ashes and spreading the terror to this cursed world! Fusion Summon! Level 8, Lubellion the Searing Dragon"

Lubellion the Searing Dragon

Level 8

Def: 3000

"Even Lubellion..." Y/N mutters angrily " did you have those cards!"

"Oh, this?" he asks while holding a card with just his thumb and middle finger while swinging it mockingly "The professor gave me this, cool, don't you think?"

" it to you...?" He asks with a shaking tone as his fists are clenched tightly

"Yes~ to think that someone can lose so pathetically with this powerful deck is unbelievable, don't you think" A sadistic smirk appears on his face "I guess that's what happens when you give a loser something that they can't control. But don't worry, now the deck is in its rightful owner, so I will treat it better than how the last owner treated it. Not everyone is a monkey-like him, you know?"

"YOU!" Y/N shouts angrily while dark energy starts to surround him as his eyes shine a bright purple color

"Oh my, don't be in such a rush~, my turn hasn't even ended yet. Lubellion effect activated! I can discard one card, then return this card, and Fallen of Albaz in my graveyard to my deck, to fusion summon!"

"Born through the power of bond and trust, the final hope to save humanity from eternal despair! Fusion Summon! Appear, level 8, Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon!

Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon

Level 8

ATK 3000

"I set 2 cards and end my turn!" he declares as two set cards appear on his field

"My turn, Dr-" Y/N declares angrily as his hand reaches the deck, but the hand of a yellow hair teen stops him first

"What...what are you trying to do!?"

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