32. Aftermath

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            Renee finds Alexander Prewett by nightfall, and the executioner will visit him tomorrow. We spend one more night in Paris to ensure that the Stone was delivered to its rightful owner, Nicolas Flamel. He thanks us and gives me a few chips off of it in gratitude in case I need to recreate Panacea again. We make a pitstop to the Ministry for Alexander's execution, per my request. I need to see it with my own eyes. I need to know that it's finally over.

The news breaks at school and through the wizarding world before we return to the castle. I don't think Weasley means to have a parade for us, but every student who has returned to school from break for the weekend stands in the courtyard and lines the halls at the entrance, clapping and cheering for us.

We force smiles onto our face at the support, but it's clear that none of us feel fulfilled. We reconvene in Hecat's office without Natty and Anne, taking a silent seat until she finally clears her throat.

"There are no amount of words I have to express my gratitude for doing what had to be done, Alora," she begins. I swallow hard and let my gaze fall to my hands. My fingers wring against each other until Sebastian's comforting hand rests atop them. "And no amount of condolences I can give that may ease the suffering of what you've lost. To either of you, please use either one of us as a resource should you need it." She gestures to Sharp's position at the side of her desk. "And consider your courses with us passed for the term. You both have displayed more than an adept skill in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"And I'm not sure if another person on this planet will be able to brew Panacea," Sharp tacks on. "You're both welcome to continue attending our classes, but while you heal, we will not require you to nor to submit any assignments. Headmistress Weasley has agreed."

We both nod. "Thank you, Professors," Sebastian finally speaks up. "Though, I think the classes will be a welcome distraction." He looks at me to confirm, but my gaze remains fixed on my hands. "At least for me."

"The Quidditch finals have also been postponed for two more weeks," Hecat continues. "Please, if you ever need an ear, seek one of us out. Teenagers were not meant nor trained to overcome things like this. May we be of service should you need us."

We both utter our appreciation before Hecat dismisses us.

To be honest, I thought walking the halls with Sebastian after this would breathe life back into me, but it only makes me feel numb. It feels wrong to find joy in something so menial. It feels wrong to just feel joy.

We approach the Slytherin common room, but I hesitate to go inside. "I don't know if I can do this," I stop him. "I-I'm not ready to face everyone."

He nods in understanding. "Do you want me to have Nerida grab some of your things and meet you in the Room of Requirement?" I mull over his offer before nodding. "Alright, I'll be up in a bit." I start to depart from him, but he grabs my hand to stop me. "Are you sure you'll be alright? We can find Poppy first." I nod again, then pull my hand from his and disappear into the Floo.

Seems like Poppy found me, because she's pacing the entrance of the Floo when I arrive. "Oh, Merlin, Allie!" she gushes, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

I don't know what it is, but I break down in her arms. Perhaps it's because she watched her parents live in darkness. She's not too different than I am. I know that Sebastian would understand, but it's nice to have reassurance elsewhere.

Poppy soothes me, rubbing my back and telling me that she understands. She tells me she knows the grief I'm feeling even if it's not to the same extent. She tells me that I'm brave and strong, and then she takes me into the ocean vivarium where we sit in the sand and listen to the waves until I'm calm enough to talk about it.

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