26. Scottish National Team

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            It's been a few weeks since I've had such a realistic dream, one that startles me awake out of my bed and sends me grasping for my surroundings to ground myself. Between the dreamless draughts on the harder days, the recent days of carefree existence, and Sebastian's constant support, I found myself having fewer sleep disruptions.

This time, however, feels so real. It's not a memory or a flashback. I'm not sure if it's because of the stress I've felt since my parents departed a few days ago, but all I dream of is them surrounded by dark wizards with just dad to protect them. I dream in such great detail of their fight for survival.

And I watch them die.

It instills an even greater sense of anxiety within me that, no matter how many, times I toss and turn to fall back asleep, plagues me deeply. I finally sigh and throw the covers off myself and pad out of my room and towards the common room. There's hardly anyone staying over break, so the common room is eerily quiet, as are the dorms as I pass them. I'm not entirely certain what time it is, but no light comes through the windows when I cross to the other side, to the boy's dormitories.

Once at the Sixth Year cluster, I gently creak open the door to Sebastian's room. Tarrick left two days ago to spend break with Imelda and her family. Though the two won't admit their courtship, it's become blatantly obvious in the common room.

Ominis's bed is closest to the door, and I expect the sound of me entering to disrupt his sleep due to his sensitive hearing. Fortunately, he doesn't stir as I slip into the room. I creep towards Sebastian's bed, carefully crawl under the blankets, and nuzzle into his side. His head lifts slightly with a deep inhale as he peers at me under one cracked eyelid. His head drops back against his pillow in acceptance shortly after.

"What time is it?" he grumbles.

"Early still. The sun is yet to rise."

As if he's gained a bit more clarity, he lifts his head again to look at me in confusion briefly. Understanding washes over his features before he drops his head onto his pillow. "Bad dream?"

"Yeah." He pulls me into him, leaving my cheek to press against his bare chest. His breathing deepens as he quickly falls back into a slumber. His arm around my middle that holds me firmly to him provides me with enough comfort to fall back into a couple of hours of dreamless sleep.

At some point in my sleep, I vaguely recall a hushed conversation between Ominis and Sebastian before I turn over in his arms to bury my face in his pillow and block out the early morning light. I'm not sure how much more time passes, but a hand gently rubbing my back stirs me from my slumber.

I stretch my arms out from under the pillow before turning over to face Sebastian. I'm met with his soft smile. "Morning, love," he greets softly as he brushes some hair from my face.

"What time is it?" My voice is heavy with sleep.

"Early still, nearly eight." I groan and wriggle closer to him to bury my face against his chest. "Not that I mind waking up to you in my bed, but..." he begins. "Would you mind telling me what's troubling you?" My answer, a refusal, is muffled by both the blanket wrapped around us and his chest. "Allie, love, talk to me."


"I can always just make you talk. Ominis has gone to breakfast. There's no one here to save you."

I squeal in surprise as he pins me beneath him. "Sebastian!" His fingers lace through mine and lock my arms above my head.

"Are you going to tell me now?" I shake my head defiantly. "Suit yourself." His attack starts with a reign of kisses on my face, but with my continued refusal, progresses to my neck, then what little of my chest is exposed from the square neckline of my nightgown, and then suddenly I've forgotten what I was refusing under the weight of his body on mine. I've never felt his body like this, never felt the way it molds perfectly against mine like a missing puzzle piece.

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