29. Clarence Squire

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            Rain hammers the ground around us as we rush through the Paris streets to find cover, finally ducking into a pub and inn called Le Breuvage de la Sorciére. The Witch's Brew. Our abrupt entrance draws attention from a few patrons near the front of the lively pub, but the rest of the inhabitants are drowning in ales and live music.

"Now, this is my type of place," Sebastian marvels.

"Well, pop a seat," Squire tells him with a clap on the back. "The rain isn't letting up anytime soon, and we've travelled enough today. I'll get us some rooms and ales. See if you can grab us a table."

Grabbing each of us by the hand, Sebastian pulls Anne and me through the packed pub until settling into an empty table in the far corner. Anne looks thoroughly intrigued by everyone around, and Sebastian is equally as enthusiastic about the atmosphere. I, however, am uneasy being in a city I'm unfamiliar with and paired with three people, only one of whom I trust unconditionally.

It's not that I don't trust Anne. I just don't know how much confidence she has in herself. Granted, she threw herself into a duel against goblins despite her curse when Feldcroft was under attack last year. I know Squire pledge my safety to Dad, but it was an agreement made ages ago. Sebastian is the only one who's proved to me the depths of his commitment. To be honest, I don't really want to have to test Anne and Squire. I'd rather we just find my parents and leave.

"Love," Sebastian's voice cuts me out of my thoughts as he places his hand on mine. He's not searching for anything, but the concern on his face shows that he could tell my mind went somewhere far away. I force a reassuring smile onto my face to convince him I'm okay. He remains unconvinced and presses a kiss to my knuckles instead. "Dark wizards won't attack in public."

"No, but they could spot us," I reason.

"Not here," Squire chimes in, slamming four sloshing mugs on the table. "This pub is mostly law enforcement and Ministry employees. A dark wizard is asking for death if they show their faces here. Did you really think I'd bring the three of you somewhere unsafe?" Squire lifts an eyebrow as if he's searching for an answer from me or questioning my level of trust in him. When I don't answer, he pulls out two menus from his back pocket. "Barkeep has a tab open if you're hungry. We are more than safe here for tonight." He then places two keys on the tabletop as well. "Enjoy it while it lasts. I have a few leads to catch up with, but I'll be around the pub. One key is for Sebastian and me, the other is for the ladies."

With that, he scoops up one of the mugs and disappears into the crowd. Sebastian keeps an eye on him until he's satisfied and then turns to the two of us. "Well? Care for a bite to eat?" He hands me a menu and Anne the other. I shake my head and push the menu back towards him. "Allie, you haven't eaten since before we left. You need to eat something."

Anne looks at me with concern as Sebastian tries coaxing me to eat nearly anything on the menu. "Bloody hell, Sebastian, I'm not hungry!" He flinches at my outburst, but instead of apologizing, I grab one of the keys and march towards the stairs in the back that lead to the rooms, at least according to the sign above.

The room is nice, at least for pub standards. There's two single beds divided by a small side table and an attached bathroom, a luxury in most inns like this. Also a luxury that I decide to abuse.

After a long, steaming bath, I feel a bit calmer and even a bit hungry. When I exit the bath, Anne is on one of the beds reading. "He didn't send me," she immediately states without looking up from her book. "I've just never been one for a pub." She nods towards the bowl of stew on the side table. "Though, he did make me bring this up for you." I take the bowl and sit cross-legged on my bed. Anne closes her book and turns to me. "Are you alright, Allie?"

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