Chapter 14: Katsuo

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They were already late, but he didn't care. If I will come there for the training course, the clan relations should not be shaken. Honestly, it was pure stubbornness that led him now, other disciples just followed and obeyed their young master.

His mother Eri Aisu was disdainful and scornful towards Dark Clan and when receiving the invitation letter, she torn it in pieces. As a Clan Leader she ordered Katsuo not to involve their clan in this madness and instead go to Clan Leader Serene's wedding anniversary. Elders and Katsuo himself tried to persuade her to rethink the decision, because they might bear huge consequences after if Aisu Clan ignores the invitation and won't even show up in Shadoo.

Eri declined their requests and stayed indifferent until Katsuo quarreled with her. In a fit of cold rage, his mother voiced her thoughts. "Do whatever you want, I don't care, just do not forget who is responsible for the death of your father and how they treated us these 20 years. Lick their heels and suck up to them, I will not step on my pride and hypocrisy in front of them for the sake of keeping good relations between our clans."

Words stabbed right through his heart, but nevertheless the youth, emotionless and composed, gave the order for an urgent change of plans. Elders and servants fussed, helping with luggage and baggage. Having gathered about 8 other disciples, they flew away on the ship at night and now, after 3 weeks with a slight delay, they landed in the Valley of Shadows.

The Aisu Clan got to Rasmus's residence by themselves, using qigong. As a token of their friendliness and apology for being late, they prepared a gift for Clan Leader Dark. Katsuo held it tightly in his hands. He hasn't slept and rested well at all these last days, because of it during their trip his face became more exhausted, cheeks sunken. Dark circles were visible under his eyes, and long hair was braided into a low ponytail, where some strands still stuck out and hindered the view. He was tired of constantly blowing them off his forehead, so he tucked the strands behind his ears.

"I see the main gate and several guards ahead," one of the disciples announced and Katsuo nodded.

"We are going down, be careful," the successor of Aisu Clan reminded and started lowering his body until his heels smoothly touched the ground surface.

Waiting when other disciples will land, the youth scanned the residence. Faded grass, sharp peaks of buildings, heavy air saturated with dark magic and guards looking askance in their direction. Looks like we're not very welcome here. I hope I made the right decision to came here after all.

"Hey, you," someone called him, and the lad turned around, frowning. "What business do you have in Clan Leader Dark's residence?"

"Be respectful!" interfered one of Aisu Clan disciples, "it's Young Master Katsuo you're talking to. Observe subordination."

The ward only scoffed and exchanged arrogant smirks with other ones. "You didn't answer my question."

"We came for the training course," nonchalantly uttered the mage.

"Looks like you're late, the training started three days ago, so Clan Leader is no longer hosting. Strangers have no place here," the man clearly bossed around.

"You..." Aisu Clan student barely restrained himself from cursing.

Katsuo motioned with his hand to stop the hot-head disciple from doing something he'll regret after. "Clan Leader Dark invited us; we have his letter."

The youth fumbled in his robe pocket and took out the parchment, which was folded into an accordion. "Here it is, you can take a look at his handwriting if you're doubting, we are telling the truth."

Young Master was as calm and composed as ever. He handed out the scroll to the guards and just stood there silently watching the two men read the letters. Frankly, he found the situation unpleasant, but as the heir of Aisu Clan he had to stay indifferent and act as it befits his higher status.

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