Chapter 8: Ghassan

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Naar and Tero Clan both were travelling together since the beast hunt ended. At slow and leisure pace they headed to their hometowns. Two clans were border neighbors, divided by the Emerald River that stretched to the south and flowed in the Ethereal Sea. Over the years they managed building a stable and long-lasting trade relation. Kids also added to that a secure and trusted friendship between each other, forever bonding the union.

Having gone through many leagues, they visited a bunch of towns and settlements in three weeks, meeting a variety of cultures and people, each more colorful than the other. So last night, they arrived to yet another land, famously known for making the best paper lanterns in the whole Noir Empire. They settled in an inn, generously paying the owner for all the rooms provided. Agreed to meet at ten before noon for a breakfast, mages went to their quarters.

Ghassan Naar fell asleep very quickly. The poor lad was quite tired after the long walking journey; he didn't even undress, just leaning all over on the bed. Hugging the pillow and snoring sweetly, he slept well the rest of the night and all morning. And if it weren't for Adrian, who knocked on his door in time, he would be one hundred percent late.

"I'm waiting for you outside!" the golden boy shouted from the hallway.

Rubbing his eyes awake and mumbling something indistinct, the younger Naar sibling lurched to his feet and ran to the bathroom. Understanding that he had very little time, Ghassan was in a hurry. Having washed his body and combed his red hair in haste, the youth was looking for a clean garb.

"Couple of minutes, I'm almost ready!" he reminded, rummaging in traveling things.

"Don't worry, take your time," came out from the other side of the door.

Pulling on brown trousers held together with a leather belt and a loose gray shirt with elbow sleeves and symbols of the Naar Clan, Ghassan took one small look in the mirror before stepping out of the chambers.

"Good morning," disheveled, he greeted Adrian with a soft smile.

"San, nice to see you again," youth's purple eyes shone with fondness and tenderness.

Redhead mage briefly fell out of reality, peering into these alluring, charming small galaxies. Clearing his throat, he tried to steady his racing heartbeat. "Thanks for waking me up, otherwise, I would definitely skip breakfast," the lad shifted awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, I know very well that you like to sleep longer," brunet shook his head, giving a comely smile, "so I decided to come."

Ghassan caught sight of pretty dimples when the corners of Adrian's lips turned up. Noticing every little change in his appearance, the Naar sibling never ceased to admire the man in front. He really wanted to further explore the heir of Tero Clan. "Then let's go to the rest, we should not make them wait."

"You're right," the golden boy nodded, approaching closer to stand side by side with his best friend. "Did you close the room?"

"Oh, crap, I forgot," the redhead fumbled in his pockets for the key and not finding them there, returned to the chambers. They were lying on the dresser, quite in sight. Taking them and running out of the apartments, he swiftly put them in the keyhole, snapping.

All this time, Adrian could hardly contain the laughter that burst out eventually. "I knew it."

"What would I do without you?" Ghassan didn't hide his smile, hugging the brunet by the shoulders and went down to the lounge.

Adrian and Ghassan were best friends. Meeting while still being children, they quickly got along and started spending time with each other. Notwithstanding the four-year age difference, two mages found common interests and hobbies they two enjoyed doing together.

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