1: "You're not my Dad."

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'This is getting ridiculous' the Blond Hokage frowned, walking to his office. 'Why did Jiraiya-sensei demanded me to come and see the culprit.' he mentally seethed.

Minato had started his morning like any other, going through the current reports on missions. He had been around halfway through the meeting with Jiraiya and Dan until he was blissfully interrupted by Shizune, stating a potential spy had appeared in the village, claiming to be his dead daughter.

He was furious about the spy. Naruto's name was like a taboo for him. His baby girl suffered because he was hesitant. He and kushina paid the price by sacrificing their innocent girl. All because he was not able to stop the council members from sealing the Kyuubi in Naruto when she was still in kushina's womb. Since Jiraiya interrupted them. Kushina was saved. But barely. However, Naruto died right after she was born. Minato couldn't even had enough time to hold his baby girl. Her limp body was in Jiraya's arms. He could see some blond scruff and three lines stretched on each side of her chubby cheeks.

It had left Kushina in coma since then. The biju extraction while in labor took a lot on her body. She was barely conscious as she delivered the stillborn Naruto. But she was aware of the tragedy. That was the last time Minato saw her eyes. And then she slipped into coma. They tried to take her out. Even Tsunade was unsuccessful. They all said that Kushina herself, do not want to live. It had broke him. He truely felt alone. Hokage, he might be, but that day, he realised he's the man who has everything but nothing. So, he did what was expected of him. He became their Hokage. As the Hokage, he decided to deliver justice. Starting from his own council. What came into light was horrendous. The crimes were too severe. Most of the council members were executed. And three, main councils were created.

The Civilian Council was more towards younger side. As being on this, would require civilian interactions as much as possible. So, it consisted of some esteemed members of the clans. Such as Uchiha Shisui from Uchiha Clan. Hyuga Hinata from Hyuga Clan, Sarutobi Asuma from Sarutobi Clan, Yamanaka Ino from Yamanaka Clan, Nara Shikamaru from Nara Clan, Akimichi Choji, Inuzuka Hana from Inuzuka Clan and so on. These were further divided into more teams as per needs of civilians.

The Shinobi Council had more members with more experience regarding Shinobi development. Such as their educational sector which was under Aburame Clan, their defence forces including Uchiha Police Station and T&I sector. So, the Shinobi council members were Uchiha Mikoto, Yamanaka Inoichi, Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, Aburame Shibi, Inuzuka Tsume, Hyuga Hizashi and so on. And finally, the Hokage Council. With Dan the Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Itachi who is also training to be the next Hokage.

Regardless, Minato had promptly accepted, wasting no time in vacating the Hokage tower and heading over to the hospital to interrogate the suspicious individual. He had dismissed his Anbu escorts, insisting he enter alone, the better to strike up intimidation in this suspect. Walking confidently into the room, instead of finding a half dead, sneering girl (as his mind had so cleverly conjured up), he entered the hospital room to find a mask faced brunette teenager. The girl, who looked no older than eighteen, immediately rearranged that poker face to sadness, wasting no time in lunging at him as soon as he appeared, confirming his doubts of a spy. But what she did, baffled him. She was clutching him in a desperate hold, as if he would disappear right now.

He pushed off her, pointing out the kunai on her throat. His grip went slack as his eyes locked with glistening brown ones. Those eyes were brimming with so many emotions. Bitterness, longing, sadness, and hurt were only ones he could spot other than love.

"You're not my Dad. I know that. And I'm not your Naruto, but ero- Jiraiya told me about Kushina. I can help her. Please, let me."

She had husky tone to her voice, he noted. She was stumbling over names as if it physically pained her to say them out loud. He forgot how to breathe at the mention of her wife.

"Hokage-sama?" The dark haired ninja followed his sensei despite his permission to stay out, narrowed his Sharingan at the illusion over the girl's appearance.

Minato's eyes hardened as he stared at the girl's face. His killer intent was oozing in atmosphere, tensioning the People present in room. The girl didn't flinched but instead she kept staring at him with plea in her eyes.

He glared at her with all the hatred he could mustered up and snarled, "Who are you?!" The girl closed her eyes, trying to calm her inner chaos. She wanted to cry. She could hear Kurama snarling at her distress.

Minato felt himself pushed back and turned only to look at Jiraya's face.

"Let me explain." His words were soft, but his expression was not. Nonetheless, he backed away, and the girl fell in her chair as if his grip was the only thing keeping her from falling on her knees.

Jiraiya placed his hand patted on her head, gently, "This is Naruto. Before you say something, It's the truth. This kid has been displaced in dimensions. The dimensions that are not to be mendled with."

Naruto took a deep breath and looked around and almost dropped on the floor again. Obito and Itachi were standing behind Minato, looking ready to attack if necessary. Her eyes stayed on Obito.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruro. I'm a daughter of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina." She explained, before taking a pause and looking directly at this version of Minato. Giving him an appologetic look, "I might be the current Jinchuriki of Kyubi."

"...." Everyone looked at her like they're expecting her to go on a killing spree. She slumped her shoulders in defeat.

"I'm... we're friends with him. The Kyubi, I mean. He won't hurt anyone. Neither would I. We just need time to figure out how go back to my world. I promise, 'attabayo!" She noticed how Minato flinched but decided to not mention it it, "In my world. My dad was... he was incredible at space and time jutsus... and wait!" Her eyes widened at the realisation.

"Sasuke! He can do the dimension hopping stuff! Of course!" She literally bounced towards Itachi, said boy had gone pale. As if he had seen a ghost.

Naruto nodded, She said to Itachi, "Tachi-san, Call Sasuke!"

Itachi stared at her for a second, before uttering something that made Naruto almost go in shock. Those words were, "Uzumaki-san. My brother had passed away in his childhood."

"Sasuke-Teme's dead?" She asked weakly, the room spinning. She vaguely registered going blank for a second, only heard her name being called out. Because the next thing she knew, she was almost touching the floor if not for Itachi catching her. Jiraiya and Minato were also near her. While Obito was supporting her as well.

"He's well in your world, I gather." Naruto gave a weak nod, to which a soft, melancholic smile spread on Itachi's lips, "I'm glad."

Jiraiya cleared his throat, his hand resting reassuringly on Minato's back. Despite the shock after shock, he was relieved to see the concern in Minato's face.

"Our Minato is quite amazing as well. But Kushina is better at it. Which bring us back to what we were discussing. You can wake Kushina from the coma. And she can help you go back home. It's a win-win situation."

Itachi helped her stand as she nodded, eyes still looking at the floor filled with a mourning.

Minato sighed, giving a resigned look at his sensei. "Alright. But she won't be alone their. One mistake, and I'll personally make your life painstakingly harder."

In the matter of minutes, Naruto was standing in front of large bed with her mom in it. She was hooked up to countlessmachines. The occasional rising and falling of her chest was the only thing shows that she's alive.

'Kurama...' She called out.

'I can't sense my chakra in her. We need to go to her mindescape to bring her back.' The fox grunted back.

Naruto nodded.

She sense multiple familiar and unfamiliar chakras gathering behind her.

Without looking back, she closed her eyes, "Please don't be startled." Was the only warning she gave as the room was filled with dark, menacing Chakra.

It was Kyubi.

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