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A girl about eighteen years old entered her old apartment. She wore a black long-sleeved shirt with a red lining on it. The blonde girl had orange slightly short shorts, a standard kunai pouch strapped on her thigh. She wore a pair of black shinobi sandals and black fingerless gloves that had a metal plate attached to the back. A Konoha hitai-ate with extra long black cloth was tied around her forehead. The girl also had her long blonde in two ponytails, with bangs framing the whiskers carved cheeks.

Naruto sighed as she flopped onto her bed. She had finished another A-ranked mission. And boy, was she tired! The eighteen-year-old girl could barely take on the missions the Rokudaime Hokage gave her. She clutched the necklace around her neck that was given to her by Tsunade. The blonde Jinchuuriki smiled. She was about to go cook some ramen when she felt a sharp pain at her head. She fell unconscious.

A minute earlier, Kurama was sleeping. When he woke up, the Kitsune felt a pain in his tails. He turned and paled beneath his red fur. He gasped as a blast of reddish-green chakra shot out of it, seeped through the cage bars, and raced down Naruto's mindscape halls. The great fox groaned.

'This cannot be good.' He sighed.

Naruto woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. She opened her eyes and let them adjust to the bright light. Once she could see again, she found herself to be in the White room that looked like a hospital. She was on a small white bed, and next to her was a white, metal table. A door was on the opposite side of the bed. Naruto groaned. Just then She heard the sound of footsteps outside the room. The blonde shinobi gasped as she drew a kunai and stood up, facing the shadows.

"Oh, you're awake." A feminine voice said. A figure stepped into the room. The figure's body was obviously female due to the slim waist and rounded curves of the chest and hip areas. 'She' stepped out into the light of the fire. Naruto let out a relieved sign and dropped the kunai at the sight of short, black hair and the familiar face.

"Shizune-nee!" She blurted out without noticing the alarmed expression on the woman's face.

Shizune stared at the blonde teen who had just flashed her a big familiar grin. Her cheeks had three lines like whiskers on each side of her face. Those cheeks were stretched in a grin, showing a pointy fang. Her azure eyes were glittering. She looked like an older version of their hokage. What caught her attention was the Konoha hitai-ate, tied on her forehead.

She planted a gentle smile and asked, "Do you know where you are?"

The blonde replied in a 'duh!' tone,  "Hospital, obviously!" She paused, scratching the back of her head in confusion, "Why though?"

Shizune ignored her question and asked seriously, "Who are you?"

Naruto blinked in confusion and gave Shizune a weird look, "Don't you know already? The number one, knucklehead Ninja of Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto, 'ttabayo!" She said, pointing her thumb at herself.

Naruto's grin vanished as she saw Shizune's paled face, filled with Panic. The woman looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Y-you...I-I-imposible...No.." Shizune felt herself freeze.

Naruto quickly jumped off her bed and grabbed Shizune, "Shizune-nee, you alright? Wait here. I'll call baa-chan!" With that, Naruto ran out of the room, leaving a hysterical Shizune on the floor.

Shizune snapped out of his daze and rushed to the Hokage tower.

She knocked on the door impatiently. And opened the without hearing any reply.

The people present in the office stopped talking, turning to the frantic Shizune with alarmed expressions.

"Shizune?" Ocean blue eyes widened at the panicked medic, "What happened?"

Dèjà vu? Not Quite [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now