⚔︎ 13 ⚔︎

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Sacha and I work together every day for a couple weeks to get the ball rolling on a fresh Loam department for the CORE. My father had a solid one, but it automatically dissolves with the coronation of a new leader.

Sacha has incredible ideas about how it should be run, and who should be a part of it. Every time I leave feeling more and more excited about her being Chief. Of course, I still run things, and she is required to get approval on everything from me, but ultimately I agree with everything she suggests right now. I have faith that this will be one of my best decisions as Queen and chair on the Council.

Today, I'm having Sacha do some training with the specialized soldiers. Ambrose has taught them well, but I fear he doesn't have anything left to teach them. I'm also still hesitant about Ambrose's leadership. He was a good fit for my parents, but I feel he doubts my authority. I can't have that in my general.

Which is why Sacha is so great. She quickly connects with the soldiers, and starts instructing them in drills I've never heard of. I excuse myself to go find Apollo. We haven't had much time to ourselves with everything going on, and I could use a moment with him. He would know just what to do about Ambrose.

I find him in the library, and rush up to hug him from behind. Instead of relaxing in my arms, he tenses. I pull away, tucking my hands behind my back.

"I was wondering if you had time for a little picnic. We haven't been able to get a moment to ourselves these days, and I have a little bit of free time. What do you say?" I ask, unable to hold back my grin.

Apollo avoids my gaze. "I'm sorry, angel, but I have a meeting with some soldiers soon about Flare. Maybe another time?"

"Of course. I'll let you get to that then." Spinning on my heel, I walk out of the library with my brows furrowed. Something doesn't feel right. I shake it off. It's probably just the stress of the past few weeks catching up to us. We've both been busy and that takes a toll. Given some time, we should be fine.

I find some lunch in the kitchen and take the picnic by myself. While I haven't had one on one time with Apollo, I especially haven't had alone time since... well probably since I became Queen. It's nice to slowly eat the bread and cheese and small slices of meat I packed in a little basket as I sit in a clearing just outside the palace. The birds trill from the towering trees and a warm breeze waltzes through. A small white butterfly flits between the trunks of trees so daintily. It reminds me of the days I would spend trying to catch the pretty little creatures when I was a little girl. Nothing seemed to faze me then.

With my appetite gone, I stand and meander towards Lafaio. However, I'm not quite ready to get back to my Queenly duties. My feet carry me towards the palace gardens, and I inhale the rich scent of Loam flora. The flowers greet me happily, as my eyes scan the rows for my favorites. Lusco, a tiny yellow wildflower sits towards the back along with tall, purple Slathas and radiant orange Thusias. Blascoth, while not a flower, has always made me happy. The deep green herb feels like home, and only grows here in Loam. Incredibly, it has potent healing qualities.

Bironn finds me amidst the plants after some time. "Your Majesty, it is time to prepare for dinner. Prince Adonis of Flare will be joining you this evening."

"Thank you, Bironn," I mumble, my eyes still on the leaf I have between my fingers. "You wouldn't happen to know what this specimen is, would you?"

He hesitates, taking the time to look. "If I understand correctly, it has been unidentified. None of our resources have ever mentioned it, but it recently started growing in patches by the front gates."

That is interesting. Unlike on Earth, plants don't travel across Court borders often. Extier keeps things purposeful and eliminates things that are unnecessary, but I've never heard of it growing something new at a random time. Things might be progressing further than I thought. If only I could ask Lingchai about what she meant.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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