⚔︎ 12 ⚔︎

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I slump in my throne. Today, we invited citizens to bring their struggles with the quake and present them so we could get a clear picture of the damages done to our Court. However, it's turned into a complaining session. Some of the citizens have been incredible at just relaying the things that were harmed in the quake, while others just. keep. talking.

At the moment, we have a citizen who's been going on forty minutes describing his crops in Eastern Loam. I'm doing my best to pay attention, but it's getting tough. A notekeeper sits off to the side, dutifully taking notes and likely has a cramping hand. At least we'll have an accurate account of how the Court is doing.

I carefully reach across the arm of my throne to take Apollo's hand. Focusing on the ticking of time for the others in the room, I slowly let it stop. With a sigh, I face my husband.

"How much longer do you think we have of this?" I ask.

He chuckles under his breath, interlocking our fingers together. "You stopped time just to have a conversation?"

"Yes," I groan. "I'm exhausted and need just a tiny break. Then we can go back to listening to Mr. Kran continue to describe his crops."

Apollo squeezes my hand, tracing slow circles with his thumb. "I believe Mr. Kran is the last anticipated citizen, love. Bironn can tell us when the monologue is finished."

"Oh alright. Let's get back to it then."

I let time slip back into its natural place and focus on Mr. Kran. He waves his hands animatedly while gruffly speaking about delicacies of caring for hyonias. The hardy flowers that grow all over Extier and appear in a Tierian's irises when they become pregnant. For a split second, I imagine the way I'd look with hyonias in my eyes, and my cheeks immediately grow warm.

Apollo and I still have yet to speak about an heir, but it's bound to come up sometime. And soon. Thankfully, Tierians don't have children early in marriage, but Royals sometimes have a bit more pressure to produce a child. Still... it's not something I've looked forward to. Until now. My heart can't help but yearn for a child with my eyes, and Apollo's messy hair.

A light smile curls the edges of my mouth. It kind of sounds like heaven.

"Your Majesties," Derek greets, and I straighten on my throne. When did Mr. Kran leave and Derek arrive? Derek stands before the thrones, arms crossed over his chest. "I am sorry to say I come with bad news."

"What is it?" Apollo questions, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Bastien is, for the foreseen future, stuck on Earth." Derek sighs, closing his eyes.

"What in tarnations is he doing on Earth?" I cry. "He is strictly banned after the incident last time as you well know."

"I know. It's not his fault though. There have been recent incidents with doors glitching people to the wrong places. For some, like Bastien, it's other worlds. For others, it's a different Court. CORE is working on a solution. Bastien is trying to find a way to Conquest's Edge. We're hoping it'll bring him home."

I scrub at my face. Things are getting out of hand. First the quakes and now the door's are glitching. What could possibly be next?

The words of Lingchai echo through my head. He's getting stronger.

"At least tell me Bastien hasn't gotten in trouble over there," I mumble.

Derek winces. "PIT is after him, but have a little faith in him, Calla. He's not terrible at outmaneuvering."

I shoot him a wry look, trying to relax. "What was he doing that got him stuck on Earth in the first place? Maybe he wouldn't be in trouble with PIT if he had stayed here."

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