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Nodding, I bite my lip. He grins and tugs me to my feet. Apollo pulls me behind him, speeding up until we're running through the Palace halls. I let out a laugh, stumbling along behind him. We arrive at our rooms, and he bows with a wink before walking the short distance to his rooms.

    I slip into my room, leaning against the door with a cheesy grin. Goodness, he makes me happy. The smile stays with me the whole time I pack my trunk. I have no idea how long we're staying in Flare, so I pack a little of everything. Time flies, and the sky is darkening when I finish. Lugging my trunk to the door, I kick it open just in time for it to knock over my husband. Holding back a laugh, I drop my trunk and rush over to his side. He lays on the ground, eyes closed. So dramatic.

    "Are you alright?" I ask as my giggles emerge. He cracks open one eye to glare at me. "What? I can't help it."

    He groans, moving into a sitting position. "Next time, set your trunk down to open the door."

    Another rush of giggles overcomes me, and I cover my mouth. Apollo fights a smile, but it finally wins. Shaking his head, he gets to his feet and once again, offers me a hand. I take it with a bashful smile.

    "Let's get you to Flare," he announces, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

    Holding up a finger, I raise my eyebrows. "We need to tell my parents first."

    "I already took care of that, angel."

I nod, adding, "Then we're ready to go."

He pumps his fist and swings his wrist around to open a door that's changed. It still has a black background, but instead of oranges and golds, it's filled with greens and browns. It makes my smile even bigger.

We each grab our trunks and walk through. I'm hit immediately with the stifling heat. It's not my first time in Flare, but it definitely feels hotter than usual. Apollo tips his head back, letting his arms swing out.

"I've missed this," he murmurs, eyes closed with contentment.

I fan myself. "I do not remember it being this hot."

He laughs, reaching out to take my hand. I move away, walking ahead of him towards the towering fortress he calls home. Or, used to call home. He's Loamian now.

"It takes a little while to get used to the change."

A piercing squeal sounds, and Apollo is knocked to the ground a second time. This time, however, it's not my fault. Instead the culprit is the little ball of energy sitting on top of my husband.

"You're home! You're home! You're home!" She screams. The tiny blonde girl can't be much older than ten at the most. My bet is younger. I've never met her before, but I'm guessing it's Aelin.

Apollo laughs, scooping her up and standing. "What did I tell you about knocking me to the ground?"

She ducks her head. "To not do it..."

Ruffling her hair, he winks. "Remember that next time, kid."

Her face lights up, and she nods emphatically. I just watch, not wanting to insert myself into a family thing. Even though, technically, I'm family now. The little girl turns to look at me.

With a comically loud whisper, she asks, "Is that the pretty princess you told me about?"

"It is," Apollo answers, his face heating as he looks away from me. "But she's a Queen now, and she's my wife."

The little girl scowls. "I know that, dork. I was at the wedding. I wanted to go to the crowning ceremony, but Mama and Papa said it would be too boring for an eight year old." She huffs, crossing her arms. I chuckle quietly. That was me once.

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