last, final, good bye

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Im really sorry, like deeply, truly, sorry. 

I almost failed all my classes this year, didnt have internet for over 6 months, and was bullied for the last 2 weeks of school by my boyfriends brother.  (tbh id love to give you more details but then id start bawling my eyes out again, moral of the story: venting only helps when you're not an emotional wreck)

but thats not an excuse for not updating sooner and im truly, absolutely, sorry.

You all deserve better.  you all deserve a better fanfic as well, and i feel like I couldve given more time and effort to the story line, and for that i am also sorry.  but, half of this was written when i was 14, so dont judge too hard.

Any ways, yes that was the end, Im sorry, I love you all.

But, I have more fanfics that i plan to add to all summer. 

I want to be a better writer. 

I love you all. 


check out my new fanfic "destined for greatness" The first few chapters were also written when i was much younger but i plan to put more into this fanfic then ive ever put in a fanfic before. 

its also going to have destiel in it.

i love you all

have an amazing summer,

and be kind, to your selves, and others.

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